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as the two exit the door, wildberry stops in his footsteps.
crunchy chip looks at him sourly.
'what's with you? you've been acting way too weirdly lately.'
wildberry does not answer, but only leans forward and rests his head on crunchy chip's shoulder.
crunchy chip himself freezes and awkwardly tries to get him off his shoulder after seeing more passerbys glaring at them.
'wildberry, i don't know what's happening with you, but you need to sort yourself out-'
'i'll miss you a lot once you're gone.'
crunchy chip feels his blood turn cold; in guilt. he can only simply sigh loudly and give into the head of pink bury further into his shoulder, stroking the back of his head.
'yes, i know. i'll miss you too. keep your head up, though! there'll be many ways we can contact each other...'
a mere nod is felt on his shoulder.
'let's bring this back to the apartments. that way we can talk more privately.'

as the two briskly walk back, they see that the crowd from a few hours ago had died out and was left empty. dark cacao and hollyberry were also unseen; along with crunchy chip's faithful wolf.
'we're real bad at keeping track of time, huh. they're probably out somewhere to drink and do whatever.' crunchy chip shrugs as he reaches into his pockets for the key.
wildberry silently watches whilst the door opens widely. the strong scent of crunchy chip almost slaps wildberry on the face, but then sees a messied room, with a small fortress of a thick duvet over a pile of pillows towards the other side of the place. it's owner slowly yet quickly rushes towards it and knocks it down with his foot.
'yeah, uhm.... apologies for this mess. i don't really know how to keep a place like this really tidy.'
'worry not.' wildberry nods, but his eyes flickered observingly around the room.
'don't keep looking!' crunchy chip blocks wildberry's sight with his small hand, which wasn't extremely effective. wildberry allows a small grin escape onto his face and laugh a bit.
'sorry about that. you're quite... the organised person.'
'oh, be quiet, will ya.'
he laughs, not used to being teased by wildberry in such a sense. he glared at the other cookie, seeing that he had completely lost his focus again and was now busy with trying to examine the room; eyes shifting from one end to the other.

'look, if you're looking for sweets or whatever, there'll be nothing there. i'm trying to be more aware now.' he pouts in his usual childish manner, but double checks his own room to be sure that his statement was correct.
wildberry then sees an extremely crumpled up bag of paper, but there was nothing inside it. his eyes are locked to grab crunchy chip's attention to it, but he does not turn around.
wildberry takes a few small steps closer to the other figure, his shadow wallowing idly over crunchy chip for a few brief moments, before his limbs turn into nothing but complete jelly, and eventually leans over the smaller male's shoulder.
a rather dumbfounded expression is clearly written all over his face, yet he daren't to question his colleague's, perhaps best friend's, unusual behaviour.
'you seem tired. uhm... let's see.' he gives a friendly tap on the solid armour, underestimating its sturdiness and hurting his hand, but he silently winces in pain to make the situation less awkward.
'uh.. sit here.' he taps on the pillowless, duvetless bed and scurries around his room to try and find something to offer.
wildberry stands idly and does not react to crunchy chip's command.
as the smaller male takes a step forward, wildberry pulls in closely to him, his lips meeting his own.
he struggled to catch his breath, yet refused to push him away.
it all made so much sense on why he was acting weirdly now.
the two split away from the sudden kiss, still tightly held under each other's grasp.
crunchy chip can only laugh at wildberry, wrapping his arms around the back of his neck and lightly caressing his softened magenta hair.

'let's take it slow, shall we...'

the atmosphere between them felt much more... lighter now that they were no longer under the control of aphrodisiacs and sugar.
the next thing they knew, crunchy chip's floor full of blankets and pillows were soon enough accompanied with their own clothing.
now only covered with their undergarments and brittle breaths, the two could no longer contain themselves and helplessly fought for each other's touch.
'hrk-' crunchy chip gasps as he feels a large hand stroke his own chest, cold yet somehow comforting.
the hand traces the now scarring spots from the bites and 'bruises' that were placed beforehand, stinging slightly yet only building up more excitement.
the pink-haired male hauls the other into a more comfortable position on the bed, keeping hold of the back of his neck to prevent it from getting stiff, impatiently biting round his body, renewing the old marks and also creating newer and more visible ones.
crunchy chip holds his head up high (which wasn't too high since wildberry kept hold of his nape), blinking away tears from the pain.
he wasn't very used to being bitten in rather... eccentric areas. wildberry shortly then notices, stopping.
'ah. i'm really sorry.. do you wish for me stop?'
he nods vigorously, his arms that barely wrapped around wildberry's back tighten.
'you're distressed.'
'i'm not.'
wildberry plants a gentle kiss onto his forehead.
'let's bring this activity to a halt, for now. come now, we shall rest for tomorrow.' he loosens crunchy chip's arms, who only watches in slight disbelief.
'did i ruin the mood or something?' crunchy chip asks, masking the frustration at himself. wildberry chuckles, folding the clothes they dumped onto the floor earlier whilst placing the pillows as well as the duvet onto the floor.
'of course not. i just came to realise that i was already content with being with you.'
crunchy chip fidgets with his hair, not knowing what to reply to wildberry's flattering remark.
'lie down. go get some rest.' it almost sounded demanding, but he didn't want to say how he wasn't particularly fond of lying down on a bed, despite doing it almost the entire session he had stayed for at the republic.
he eventually joins in, unphased the fact he will literally sleep with another guy.
the mattress begins to move towards the direction he lies down in, making crunchy chip slowly slide to him.
'don't worry too much.'
silence fires back at the two of them, making crunchy chip begin to perspire from the sudden hit of awkwardness.
they were literally about to do it again, yet it really felt like he suddenly put wildberry off, leading to where he was now.
they were still also near to naked.

then the mattress shifts again.
wildberry's face is lightly outlined by the dim moonlight from the window next to them, his eyes now glistening as bright as the stars outside.
'i apologise if i stopped so suddenly.' he sighs. 'i just seemingly wanted to spend my time with you today.'
'yes, it was pretty cool. not the fact that you acted so off, though.'

the two laugh for a short period of time, not realising that they had fell asleep within each other's arms.


hi, me again
im back as better (a lie)
this isn't particularly what you probably wanted, but tbh i don't have the right mindset to write like that
sorry for disappearing again too lol, thanks as well for reading

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