|| Can I Come, Too? ||

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Chapter 1

~Prying (third-person POV)~
Mizuki had been following Yuki and Shigure for about five minutes. She climbed up the gate and eavesdropped as she peeked over it, listening in until she heard an explanation as to where they were headed with so many bags. "I'm shocked that Akito allowed this. Actually, he wouldn't allow this," she mumbled to herself, shocked that Yuki was leaving the estate to live with Shigure.

Yuki heard someone speak, so he looked up, but as he was looking up, Mizuki was jumping down. Mizuki began pushing open the gate, causing Yuki to look towards the opening doors. When Yuki saw her, he released a small sigh, glad that it wasn't anyone that he couldn't stand.

~Flashback (Mizuki's POV)~
It was 4:36 AM, and I was walking back home from the park that I visit quite often. That park is special to me because I met Yuki there. Ever since then, he has been like a second brother to me. Anyway, when I was almost home, I heard footsteps coming toward me. I was kinda confused since people don't normally come outside this early, so I hid behind a bush to see who it was. I've been warned by Haru not to go out this early, so the last thing I need is someone finding out about my morning strolls and telling him. When I realized that it was Yuki, I was going to speak to him, but I noticed the amount of bags in his hands. Where is he off to?

"Are you ready?" Shigure asked, walking up to Yuki.

"Yes," Yuki quietly answered.

"Ok. If I call now, the driver should be here in about seventeen minutes," Shigure thought out loud.

The two males began their walk to the front gate as I trailed behind.

-End of flashback-

~Leaving (Mizuki's POV)~
Yuki smiled as we made eye contact. "Hi, Mizuki. I haven't seen you in-"

"Can I come, too?" I blurted out. "Move with you guys, I mean."  I elaborated on my previous statement.

"Of course, you can!" Shigure exclaimed. "The more the merrier, after all!"

Yuki's head spun towards Shigure with an expression full of disapproval. "No, she can't!"

I looked down at the ground. "Yuki, I know I haven't been there for you, but I've missed you. I wanted to visit you, but Haru said it was too dangerous for me to join him after what happened."

"That's not the problem," Yuki stated. "Wait what happened?"

"That doesn't matter right now. Just tell me why not. I promise not to be in the way," I retorted. "I'm rather independent for my age."

"And what about Haa-kun?" Shigure chimed in.

"He'll be fine. He goes off by himself all the time; has ever since we were little."

Shigure hummed in response. "And Momicchi? What about Sacchan and Hii-kun?" He said after a long pause.

"I just saw Kisa and Hiro a few days ago. As for Momiji..." I kicked a rock that was near my foot. "What's there to say about him?"

"What kind of react is that? Oh, don't tell me that you're still scared of bunnies. He only chased you around in his bunny form few time and you were just fine. I still don't understand why it scared you so much that last time he did it. Plus, it was a long time ago," Yuki bluntly stated.

I stayed silent. Very few people knows what really happened that day; the full story. I'm not really scared of bunnies per say... it's just that seeing Momiji in his bunny form again would bring back nothing but bad memories so I'd rather avoid it all together.

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