|| Truly Unforgivable ||

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Chapter 13 / Episode 11

~Chocolate (Mizuki's POV)~
I opened my shoe locker and it was so stuffed with chocolate that most of it fell out. "Woah." I picked up a few of the boxes. "That's a lot of chocolate. I've never gotten this much."

Kiomi nodded in agreement before she stated, "Well, it is the last White Day that a lot of those people will see you. It's their final chance you give you chocolate."

I looked around us to see if anyone else was around, but there was no one. I looked back at the chocolates on the floor, "I guess... But some of these don't even have names on them."

"Maybe they were nervous. They could've also wanted to keep their identities a secret. What does it feel like having secret admirers?" Kiomi asked, nudging my arm.

I blankly stared at her as I bent down and opened my school bag.

"Hm? What're you doing?" Kiomi asked as she opened open one of the bags that was still in my locker and began eating.

"Taking them of course," I told her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Kiomi started grabbing bags. "Would you mind if I took some?"

I laughed. "Well, you already started, so might as well. But how much more chocolate could you need? You received a lot, too."

"But you got way more and you can never get enough chocolate," Kiomi shrugged.

"Is that so?" I mumbled.

"Yup," Kiomi replied.

~A Trip (Mizuki's POV)~
I got home early, so I took a shower and went to the living room. I was laying on the floor taking a nap, but I was unfortunately interrupted by Momiji slamming open the door.

"Guten abend!" Momiji said, waking me up.

Tohru's voice soon followed his, "Hi, I'm home."

"I haven't seen Shii-chan's house before. This is exciting," Momiji stated.

I groaned as my eyes readjusted to the light and started talking, "Welcome home, but what is Momiji doing-"

Kyo gasped, "What's the noisy brat doing here?" Kyo asked, cutting me off.

"That's what I was asking, minus the brat part," I said, rolling over to face them.

"Did the bath make the kitty grumpy?" Momiji asked only to be grabbed by Kyo.

Kyo made fists and started aggressively nudging Momiji's head. "You're gonna have to tone down the hyper, you got that?"

"Somebody help. Kyo's picking on me again!" Momiji exclaimed.

After Kyo calmed down, Tohru, Kyo, and Momiji joined Yuki and Shigure at the table. Shigure asked Momiji if we knew why he would be spending the night here. Momiji announced that as a white day gift he'll be taking Tohru and I to a hot spring. This is way more thought out than the gift I gave him. He gave this 'getaway' and name that I chose not to remember. Tohru got worried about the price and the fact that she didn't want to go without her mom.

"Whoa, it's not that big a deal. It's just a little hot water. He isn't suggesting you take a trip to Paris or something," Shigure said.

"True. It would be fun. Besides you need a break," I stated.

"I know, but..." Tohru trailed off.

Momiji ran over to Tohru and grabbed her hands."They're right. I'm sure your mutti would be happy if you had a good vacation. Unless for some reason you don't want to go with me." He pouted as he looked at her.

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