|| Who Said I Cared? ||

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Chapter 27/ Episodes 6-7

~A Trip (Mizuki's POV)~
I sat on my bed with scattered objects that I was practicing sketching. It's weird for me to actually be committed to something, but I actually plan to become an artist and maybe I can get an early start. Well, this is pretty late in life to be trying at it. Though, I did take art classes for a while when I was in elementary school, I didn't take it seriously. I mean, who really knows what they want at that age? Considering how hard it was to draw Yuki and how bad it turned out, I need a lot of practice.

"Hello, Mizuki!" Momiji exclaimed, bursting through the door Tohru and Yuki following behind him.

Or maybe I won't be able to... Why is he here anyway? Isn't he too busy being mad at me? My shoulders dropped in disappointment. "Learn how to knock. What's going on?" I asked uninterested.

"Sorry to disturb," Yuki apologized.

"It's fine." I waved my hand dismissively.

Momiji jumped onto my bed. "Guess what?!" My only response was a raised eyebrow so Momiji continued, "I rented the Sohma beach house. Are you ready to go on a summer trip with all of us!"

My ears perked up. "Oh?" This should be good for everyone. This must be the plans he was talking about a few days ago. Though, I thought he wouldn't extend an invite after our... whatever that was. But I guess he can't not invite me since everyone else is going as well. Everyone's questions would fall back onto him.

"We'll get to spend so much time together! No need to thank me," Momiji shrugged even though he clearly wanted praise.

I just ignored Momiji's antics. So now he wants to spend time together? Is he just going to ignore the way he acted the other day? I noticed Yuki and Tohru setting up an area in the middle of the floor and putting school textbooks on top of it. "I see that you guys are trying to get your assignments done." I laid on my stomach and got back to scribbling in my notebook.

"Ja! Turns out that Yuki and I are almost done with our work!" Momiji informed me.

"Only you two? What about you, Tohru?" I glanced up from my notebook when she didn't reply. She was sitting at the table, staring at her lap as if about to be scolded. I sighed and looked back down at my notebook. "It's okay, Tohru. There isn't a rush to get the work done anyway."

"Speaking of, where's your work?" Yuki asked.

"I asked for my work three weeks ago and turned it in the day before we got out of school," I answered.

Momiji gasped. "When did you have time to do that?! You literally just came back to school from suspension!"

"I asked for it the day I returned from suspension. They've taken a liking to me so I use that to my advantage. Teachers are more lenient when you never cause trouble." I leaned my head against my palm. "But even despite being done with my work..." I'm sure he only invited me so Tohru wouldn't worry. "I'll be sitting this one out."

"Huh? Why would you choose to stay here alone?" Yuki glanced over at me then subtly gestured to Momiji and I responded with a nod.

"I'd just rather not go. I have a feeling that nothing good will come from it." I twirled my hair around my finger.

"What do you mean?" Tohru looks at me with an innocent expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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