|| Why Is She Here? ||

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Chapter 4 / Episode 3

Hello. The majority of this chapter will be Mizuki's school day. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. :)

~Mizuki's School Day (Mizuki's POV)~
I have been studying for the past few days, so I'm sure I'll do well on my test. I have time to do some extra studying since the period that I have the test in, isn't until after lunch. The day took forever to go by, but Kiomi and I are in the same class, so things are a little more bearable. For the first period, Kiomi and I had biology, and we had a pop quiz, but I still think that I did well. For second period, we had PE, and due to me being an active kid growing up, it wasn't a problem, but I can't say the same for Kiomi. She hates anything that involves running. All we did was practice for the mile exam, so it wasn't too bad. For the third period, I had world history with Kiomi. Our teacher separated us during class since we were "talking too much", but I didn't say anything, I was just listening to Kiomi go on and on about a new boy in our class. I didn't even notice the boy until she said something. During our fourth period, English, our teacher got called to the office, so another teacher stepped in for her. We were told that she wouldn't be back until sixth period and he would be staying with us until she got back. When it was lunch time Kiomi got up from her seat and walked over to me.

"The new boy is soooo cute. We should try to talk to him at lunch," Kiomi squealed.

"I'm sorry, Kiomi. I'm going to the library," I said.

"Why?" Kiomi asked.

"I need to study," I replied while packing my books.

"For what? You're ranked second in the whole grade. You may not be street smart, but you are book smart," Kiomi said.

How should I take that statement? "I know but it never hurts to be prepared. I still don't know how you're twentieth when you never study." Kiomi was still staring at me, so I sighed. "You can tell me all about him after school," I compromised.

"Okay. See you then," Kiomi said before getting ready for lunch. "Wait, but don't you have book club today?"

"I forgot about that... Guess I won't be going."

"Mizuki Sohma missing anything involving a book? The Mizuki Sohma?"

"You make me sound like a complete loser." I sighed.

"Well, you definitely aren't that, Miss 'I've participated in every club and sport known to mankind'. No one in our grade can say they've taken piano, art, martial arts, and swimming at the same time while keeping good grades." Kiomi boasted as if she was the one to do it.

"That was in like 3rd grade so it wasn't hard to keep up my grades. And it isn't like I wanted to do all of those things. My mom just put me in a bunch of additional things because she thought it would look good to have those skills. And she could brag about me to her friends..." Saying that out loud sounds awful. Growing up, mom tried her best to keep me away from Haru in fear that he'd hurt me. She wasn't worried about the fact that I'd get hurt, it was more about her having to explain to others why I have a black eye... Which happened once and I found the whole situation rather funny because that was the only good hit he landed on me. I whooped his ass for the most part. I laughed as I thought about the memory.

"I must've missed the joke..."

"It's nothing. Just my mother and her obsession with her image. It's honestly laughable at times."

"Riiiight... You worry me at times. I love you though." Kiomi patted my shoulder.

"Girl, whatever. See you later."

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