|| We Haven't Met||

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Chapter 14 / Episode 12

~First Day (Mizuki's POV)~
Here is a summary of my morning so far: The entrance ceremony was boring. Shigure was there, but I chose not to look for him, it's not like I don't see him enough when we we're at home. I found Kiomi in the crowd and we grabbed everything that we'll be needing. We got lucky enough to end up in the same class; although, I'm not really happy about the fact that I'm in 1-D. At our junior high, I was always in the top ten without trying. I used to be the top of my class, but I lost motivation; I didn't feel challenged. My scores were average and I could've did better, but there was no point. I didn't have to worry about a lot of people passing me since the people I was surrounded by people that didn't care enough about school to want to do the work or just did enough to pass. "How'd I end up in 1-D even though literature was my strongest subject? Either this is a mistake or there is a lot of potential geniuses among us. Maybe it's that my school's curriculum was below average and that's why I got by so easily. Looks like I have to actually try this school year. I'm starting to wish I actually tried on the extrance exam so I could see what I actually know," I muttered, my tone full of determination. Anywho, Kiomi and I are currently trying to find our class.

"I think we should ask someone where the class is," Kiomi suggested.

I looked at Kiomi with a reassuring smile. "No, we're fine. It shouldn't be hard to-"

A male hopped in front of me. "Hey, cutie."

"Are you two lost?" The other male asked, stepping in front of Kiomi.

"Nah, we're good," I stated and tried to walk around them.

"Where do you think you're going?" The first male grabbed my wrist. "What's your name?"

"Not interested." My plan to get out of this was to sweep his leg and kick the other one's knee, but a shadow loomed over me and the person placed their hand on my head.

"Who do you think you are? Can't you tell that my sister wants nothing to do with the likes of you?" The voice asked.

"Huh?" I turned my head and saw Haru. He was taller than the two males that were bothering us, not to mention how intimidating his tone was.

"Um. We were just going to help them find their class," the second male nervously laughed.

"She said your help wasn't needed. I can help them from here," Haru told them.

"O- okay," the second male said, grabbing his friend and running off.

"I could've handled that y'know," I told Haru.

Haru looked at me with a blank expression. "Sorry. I guess I still feel the need to protect you when I can."

"Ohhhhhh, so this is your brother. I totally see it," Kiomi stated, looking back and forth at our faces. "Mhm, mhm. Definitely identical." Haru gave her a strange look. "Oh, I'm Kiomi. Mizuki and I went to junior high together."

"Hatsuharu. What classes are you two in?" Haru asked. We told him our class letter. "I'm in that class, too. I had just came from the class when I ran into you. By the way, Momiji is in our class."

Kiomi looked at me confused. "Momiji? Wait Momiji as in-"

I put my hand over her mouth. I whispered, "You're the second person that I ever told about that, but I never told Haru."

"Oh, okay. Gotcha," Kiomi whispered back.

Haru looked at us suspiciously. "We should get going," he said and began leading the way.

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