|| Let's Go Shopping ||

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Chapter 12 / Episode 10

~Breakfast (Mizuki's POV)~
"Ah. Thanks for the soup, Tohru. It's divine," Shigure sighed.

"I'm glad you like it," Tohru said.

"Just one more way you've changed things," Shigure stated.

"You've got that right. We never ate breakfast when it was just us. Mostly because they refused to eat what I cooked and Yuki's cooking wasn't any better," I chimed in.

Tohru and I looked at the doorway when we saw Kyo walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kyo!" Tohru cheerfully greeted.

"Hey, come and eat," Shigure suggested.

"Better hurry, or it'll all be gone," Yuki said as Kyo opened the fridge and grabbed the milk.

"Don't you want breakfast?" Tohru asked.

"Not hungry," Kyo dismissed.

Tohru looked at Kyo with concern, "But-"

Yuki cut Tohru off, "He can starve if he wants."

"I wonder what's wrong," Tohru said.

"It's Kyo. He rarely has a reason to have an attitude," I stated.

~Locker (Mizuki's POV)~
"Let's go shopping tomorrow," Kiomi suggested as we walked towards my shoe locker.

"Why tomorrow?" I asked.

"So we can buy people gifts and hang out," Kiomi answered.

"That makes sense. There are a few people I need to buy stuff for," I said, closing the door to my locker. "Hey. What happened to that boy you told me about a while back? Did you give him chocolate?"

"Who?" Kiomi trailed off for a second to think. "Oh, him? I did buy him chocolate, but not because I like him or anything."

"Is that so?" I asked, not convinced.

"Yeah. Now let's go," Kiomi said as she walked off in the direction of our first class.

"'Kay," I said, running to catch up with her.

~Plans (Mizuki's POV)~
"Well, it's Valentine's, after all. An important day for loving couples to spend together," Kagura stated.

Kyo angrily looked away. "I don't love you and we're not a couple."

"Careful. You'll only make things harder," Shigure told Kyo.

"Screw this. I should've fought my way outta that damn classroom," Kyo said to himself.

Fought? Who was he fighting and why? "What exactly goes on at your school?" I mumbled.

"So, delivering chocolates?" Shigure asked Kagura.

"No. I actually came to invite Kyo out. Tomorrow, okay? Let's spend the day together. I wanna give you your chocolates then, too," Kagura informed.

"Go out?" Kyo asked.

"Wow! That sounds like a real date!" Tohru exclaimed as she walked in holding a tray with multiple cups of tea.

"When you say it like that, it's kind of embarrassing, Tohru," Kagura said.

"How exactly will you go about making Kyo go on this 'date' of yours?" I asked.

"She doesn't need to think about how she'll do it because I'm not going. There's no way," Kyo answered the question for Kagura.

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