|| What Do You Want? ||

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Chapter 19 / Episode 16 and 17

~Bothersome (Mizuki's POV)~
"You're Yuki's cousin, so what kind of girls does he like?" Aiko asked me. The three girls from my class following her looked at me hoping for a good answer.

So she has lackeys now? "Can't you just ask him yourself?" I asked.

"Because... it's embarrassing," one of the other girls said.

"Well, I'll tell you this. He likes a girl that can speak up for herself, accept and express what she's feeling. If you're too scared to talk to him, there's no point discussing this any further," I told them and continued my walk down the hallway. In the reflection of the window I saw one of the girls launching at me and her fist aimed at my head. I grabbed her wrist, flipped her onto the floor, put my foot on her arm, and applied pressure, so she was in too much pain to get up. "Your plan was to hurt the sister figure of the boy you want to get with? I don't know whether you're dumb or you thought you would get somewhere by underestimating my strength. Maybe even both." I applied more pressure on her arm. "I took martial arts for seven years. Would you guys like to go against me with your lack of experience?"

"We're sorry! Just please let her go!" The other girl shouted.

I looked at the girl on the floor. "I don't know. Maybe I should-"

"Mizuki!" A voice shouted.

"Oh, Yuki. Do you need something?" I asked.

Yuki raised an eyebrow at me. "Mizuki... Are you going to pretend that you aren't stepping on her arm?"

"It's for a good reason," I told Yuki.

Yuki grabbed my wrist and began pulling me. "We're waiting for you. Uotani and Hanajima are coming home with us."

"Don't cross me again because you won't get off so easily!" I shouted back at the group of four girls.

Yuki put his hand over my mouth and looked toward the girls. "She doesn't mean it. She just gets a little cranky when she's tired."

~Begging (Mizuki's POV)~
"Kids, I've got the best idea. We're going shopping to buy Tohru a new swimsuit! It'll be a present from all of us, so everyone has to chip in," Uotani announced.

"Can I come with you?" I asked, putting the book that I was reading down.

"Yes," Uotani answered. "Yuki and Kyo are coming along, too. No complaining."

"What?! Isn't it enough that'll I'm helping pay for it?! And why does it have to be a swimsuit?" Kyo turned away, flustered.

"Awe, quit blushing. Have any of you done house work since Tohru moved in? It would be nice to show her some gratitude once in a while." Uotani stated.

Shigure had a mischievous look on his face. "Swimsuit? I wholeheartedly approve. Summer, here we come."

"See? The scribbler understand," Uotani said, pointing at Shigure.

I grabbed my book, stood up, and walked toward Shigure. "No, he's just perverted," I told Uotani and hit Shigure in the head with my book.

"Why do you always feel the need to hit on me Kimi-chan?" Shigure whined.

"Because you always feel the need to make something innocent into something revolting!" I shouted, hitting him again.

Yuki looked at us and sighed. "Um... I'm willing to help, but why a swimsuit specifically?"

"That's right. I suppose you four wouldn't know. The sad fact is, Tohru is still wearing her middle school swimsuit," Hanajima told us and Shigure spit out his tea.

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