|| Well That's Just Great ||

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Chapter 2 / Episode 1

~A Sunny Morning (Mizuki's POV)~
A few months have passed since I moved with Yuki and Shigure. I've gotten comfortable living here. Shigure isn't that bad, he's just kind of... eccentric, but other than that, he's cool, I guess.

I woke up earlier than usual, so I could go on a walk before school. When I walked down the stairs, I heard Shigure talking to someone. But I was shocked to hear a female's voice, that didn't belong to Mitsuru, respond to him. I paused and listened to them talk from the staircase.

"I wonder how he'd feel if he heard that story," Shigure said.

"Um, pardon?" the girl questioned.

"So... year of the dog. That makes me feel so much closer to you already. After all, I'm a dog-" Shigure was cut off by something or someone hitting him. "Agh! My head."

"I feel bad that Hatori had to deal with Shigure and Ayame for so many years. I know he was stressed," I mumbled to myself.

"Will you at least try to control your baser urges? This is why Mizuki doesn't fully trust you now," Yuki said. "Miss Honda. Hello. I hope my unbearable cousin here hasn't frightened you too badly. He's been told to work on his way of socializing multiple times."

"Wait Sohma? Why are you here?" the girl asked.

"You know, that really hurt!" Shigure complained. "What exactly do you have in there? A dictionary?"

He should've hit you harder in my opinion. Wait a minute. The girl knows our last name. Don't tell me she's some fan girl of Yuki. I fully walked down the stairs and watched them converse as I grabbed my bag and shoes.

"I mean good morning!" the girl said as she bowed even though no one was paying her any mind.

"Two dictionaries, actually," Yuki corrected Shigure before turning his attention towards the girl. "Uh. Morning." He replied to her greeting late.

"Do you two know each other?" Shigure asked as he suddenly felt out of place.

"Miss Honda and I are in the same class," Yuki explained how they were acquainted.

"I'm Tohru Honda. It's nice to meet you!" Tohru politely bowed toward Shigure.

"Same here. My name is Shigure Sohma. Yuki's my little cousin." Shigure introduced himself.

"What brings you to our house?" Yuki asked Tohru.

"I live around here, that's all," Tohru quickly answered.

"Around here?" Shigure asked somewhat suspicious.

"You do?" Yuki asked just as confused.

I walked over to the group of three. "That doesn't explain why you randomly showed up here," I said as I finally entered the conversation. I leaned against the wall and observed this 'Tohru' girl.

"That is no way to act in front of a guest," Shigure said.

"Is she really a guest if you didn't invite her inside?" When he didn't respond I looked at Yuki and smiled. "Good morning, Yuki."

"Good morning. I hope you rested well," Yuki responded.

"I did." I walked past the group. "Shigure, you need to stop bothering people before you end up in jail. Anywho, I'm off to school."

"What has you so eager to leave?" Shigure asked, ignoring my comment about bothering people.

"No reason. I just want to go for a walk before school starts. Bye guys," I said, walking away.

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