|| I Promise ||

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Chapter 10 / Episode 8

~Repairs (Mizuki's POV)~
While Kyo was putting up the doors, Yuki and I were painting the doors together, so we could get it done faster.

Kyo sighed. "Why do we even have to bother replacing these stupid things? No one's gonna care about a tiny hole or two," he said.

"Well, too bad that they aren't tiny and there are way more than two," I responded.

"Shut up and work. It's your fault they're beaten up in the first place," Yuki stated.

"Yeah. You could've tried to aim away from the doors," I scoffed.

"Why are we related?" Kyo asked before looking at Tohru as she hummed while scrubbing the deck. "You really having that much fun cleaning the deck?"

"Yup! I love tidying up the house for New Years with all of you. It's like a dream!" Tohru exclaimed.

"I think we have different definitions of dreams," I said while painting.

"What do you mean?" Tohru asked.

"Oh, nothing," I replied.

Shigure slid open the door from his office and walked into the living room with two tied-up stacks of books in his hands. "Ugh. My poor back. Why do books have to be so heavy? I hate that I have to get rid of these. I'll just get yelled at if I ship them to the main house, though," Shigure talked to himself about his lack of options.

"Hey, Shigure?" Tohru said and walked over to him.

"Hm?" Shigure gave Tohru his attention.

"Uh... I know it's terrible for me to ask this when you've done so much. The thing is, my grandfather contacted me and..." Tohru paused.

"You're not leaving for real this time, are you?" I question.

"No, nothing like that. It seems the family's going to Hawaii for the holiday. So would it possibly be okay if I stayed here in your house for New Years?" Tohru asked.

"Mhm. Course, but is that really what you wanna do?" Shigure inquired.

"Uh," Tohru didn't fully answer.

"Well, I'm going over to my friend's house during the day, but I'll be back in time to bring in the New Year with you. I promise," I informed Tohru.

"Wait, you're not coming, Mizuki?" Shigure asked.

"Nope," I replied.



"How about if you just-"


~A Convincing Speech (Mizuki's POV)~
"I'm staying here, too!" Yuki and Kyo said at the same time.

"I haven't been back in four months, so why should I break the streak just 'cause a new year is starting up?" Kyo questioned while he ate.

"If I show up for the banquet now, what was the point of me leaving?" Yuki asked while also eating.

"Yeah. At least make an appearance, or else you're going to upset-" Shigure tried to reason with them.

"No, I'm not going," Yuki and Kyo both cut Shigure off.

"This is gonna be a pain," Shigure said as he rubbed the back of his head.

I just looked back and forth between the three of them. Looks like Shigure's the only one that's going.

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