|| This Has Been Eventful ||

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Chapter 9

Hello. This chapter is basically a side chapter. It's Mizuki's school festival, so there won't be any parts from Fruits Basket in it. I hope you'll enjoy it.

~The Parkour Ring (Mizuki's POV)~
The thirty-one of us in the class split up and had different priorities for the festival. My group just finished setting up our classroom for the festival. Kiomi and I helped thirteen other students set up the class, so the fifteen of us don't have to run the parkour ring. While we were setting up, the sixteen others got to visit other classes. Now, we get to switch, the other sixteen will have shifts amongst themselves. So the fifteen of us that set up the parkour ring can visit classes now. However, Kiomi and I decided to stay and watch for a bit. When the students running the parkour ring opened our class door, people started flooding in.

"I'm shocked that our class is this crowded," I said.

"I'm not. I advertised what we were going to be doing all over the school," Kiomi admitted.

"You only did that because you wouldn't have to deal with the crowd," I deadpanned.

"Maybe, maybe not," Kiomi replied causing me to laugh. "Hm? Someone seems to be in a good mood," she stated.

"I'm just happy that school is almost over," I stated.

"Have you decided what school you're going to?" Kiomi asked.

"Yeah. I'll be going to Kaibara Municipal High School. Some of my cousins go there," I answered.

"Looks like I'll be applying there, too," Kiomi said as she watched the teacher fall in the ring. "Ouch. Someone isn't very athletic."

"You don't have to, you know?" I asked.

"I know, but I don't wanna lose my bestie," Kiomi said and hugged me. "Now let's watch a little longer."

We watched for about twenty more minutes before I got bored. "This has been eventful, watching teachers prove more weaknesses than strengths and all. But I want to visit some classes before the musical starts," I said.

"Agreed," Kiomi said and began dragging me through the hall. "I saw a class with mini-golf. That could be fun."

"Okay then let's do it," I said and began walking on my own.

~After Mini Golf (Mizuki's POV)~
"We played three rounds, and you had a better score than me every time," Kiomi sighed.

"You just kept randomly hitting the ball. You're impatient," I explained.

Kiomi sighed. "What do you want to do next?" She asked me.

"Hm. What about lantern decorating?" I suggested.

"That'll work," Kiomi agreed.

"The thing is... I don't remember what class it was," I said.

"Do you remember what it was around?" Kiomi asked.

"We walked past it earlier. It was on the third floor," I informed and began walking as Kiomi followed me.

"So, what are you doing for New Years?" Kiomi inquired.

"I never do anything on New Years. So I'll be in the house with that girl that I told you about," I answered.

"Oh, right. If you want to come to my house, you can," Kiomi offered.

"I don't want to disrupt your family bonding," I said.

"You wouldn't be. I already told my parents that I wanted to invite you over and they said it was fine," Kiomi told me.

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