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She just stands there uncomfortably. She was trying to avoid looking at me, if she was trying to make it not obvious, she was doing a horrible job. "What was your name again?" I ask. She looks at me shocked. "Blair," she says softly.

I guess I'm making things awkward for the both of us. "If you saw that fight... it's really not me being a jerk. It's me putting a jerk in his place," I tell her. She looks at me confused "by being a jerk...that's a great way to deal with your problems," she says as her friend comes out. They both walk out.

"Dominic Foster come in," Principal Jones says. I get up and walk into his office. I take a seat. He walks in and shuts the door, taking his seat. "Hey boss man," I say. He looks at me disturbed. "Ok...let me explain," I start but he cuts me off. "I don't want to hear it... I want you to help a student that's going through some tough times, she lost her mother..." he starts. "Stop right there... I lost both of my parents. I got nobody, I never had anyone there for me. Why should be helping someone else," I say pissed. "Let me finish, her mother died. She lost her little brother last year...her dad has two stricks for abusing her," he says. "Don't you think this is personal information," I state. I stand up "I can't help her," I say.
"You know what fine," he says standing up. "I'm suspended?" I question. "You are off with a warning," he says. I look down his desk see Blair Underwood printed on the folder he had out. I look up at him shocked. "Have a nice day sir," I put on a fake smile and walk out.

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