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Ember told me not to bring anything along but I found a gun Dominic hid, and I hide it as I get off the car.

She was standing outside with a smile. I don't trust this girl, not even a little. "Hey," she smiles. "Hi," I mumble. "Let's go get Dominic," she says.

"Why didn't you let him go if you know where he is?" I ask as we go inside. "I thought he'd like to be rescued by his girlfriend," she says. I stare at her "I'm not his girldriend," I assure her.

"Oh, silly me," she chuckles. "I hate this place," I mumble to myself. "You've been here before?" she questions. "No, of course not," I lie. Even though we've been here before. I got shot here. She rolls her eyes.

"It's right her she opens a door. I peek in to see that it was a little closet. Ember pushes me in and shuts the door. "Open the door!" I yell banging on the door. "No can do," she says. I hear her footsteps as she walks away. I try the door knob and it was locked.

I bang on the door but no one comes. I turn on the flashlight on my phone and look around for a way to get out. An air vent duh. I grab the bucket that was in the closet.

I step onto it and try to open the vent. I get it off and try to climb in. I crawl though the vent. I look through each room to find the hall.

Finally I find the hall and push it open and climb down. I take a deep breath and run to where I think they are holding Dominic. There basement, they don't really use it so why not put someone there. I hope he's still alive and this is not a stupid prank.

I get down there and the door was locked. Someone was coming. I hide behind the corner. The door swings open and Ember walks pass. Man, I hate that girl, but no time for her.

I quickly grab the door before it closes. I go down the stairs and walk around. "Dominic," I whisper but hear no response. I walk in deeper.

"Dominic," I say once I see someone chained to the wall. The chains that chained his arms came from the ceiling and the other ones from the ground which chain his feet.

He looks up at me. I hurry over to him. He had whip marks over his chest and stomach. Tears fil my eyes at the sight. I cover my mouth at shock. I felt like throwing up.

I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears. "I'll help you," I say. "Blair... Hide," he mumbles. "What?" I ask. "They're coming go," he whispers. I hurry and head behind him hiding behind some stacked boxes and crouching down.

"This the last time I'm going to be here... Marcus will take care of you. You know the tall and big guard. You did kill his brother he'll kill you... That takes care of everything," the man says.

"Dilrosa, when I was looking for you I didn't know you were such a... Whimp," Dominic says. The Dilrosa dude slaps Dominic in the face. I gasp holding my hand to mouth. Dilrosa walks out. I hear the door lock.

I get out from hiding. I walk up to Dominic and pull out the gun. "What are you doing?" he asks. "I got your back," I tell him. I look around to find something to break the chains.

I find a rock thrown on the ground. I bang on the chains with the big rock. I try the other hand hoping it works better. "Try the gun," he suggests. I stare at him hoping he wouldn't have suggested that.

I sigh and nod my head. I need to believe in myself and learn to aim. I aim directly above his hand. His eyes were shut. The chain breaks open. I sigh with relief. I do the same for the other one.

He falls to the ground from weakness. "Dominic," I say helping him up. I shoot at the chains at his feet quickly and hand him the gun.

He gets up using the support of the wall. "Thanks for coming back for me," he says. I sigh "yeah, well now we have to get out of here," I tell him.

I help him away from the wall and he ends up pulling me into a hug, which I can tell was not intend. "I need a minute," he says.

"First we need to get to the car," I tell him. He nods. We walk to the door but it was locked. I unlock the door and head out.

We walk slowly because I needed him to keep up. "Hey come back!" someone yells. Dominic shoots as we make our way out the door.

We hurry to the car and I help him into the passenger seat. I quickly get into the driver seat as I see them right after us. I quickly get out of there but they were shooting after us.

Dominic shoots back even though he seemed to be in so much pain. He opens the glove department and pulls out another gun, that I didn't release was in there. He pulls another one and hands it to me.

Why on earth does he trust me with a gun, I don't even trust myself. I turn the corner and rush in during the yellow light. As the car after us was right behind me not bothered by the light ends up getting hit by a car.

"Whooa!" I yell and all Dominic does is chuckle. "You're really enjoying this huh?" he questions. I sigh "I just save your life," I mumble. "Yeah and thanks... I really owe you that," he says.

"Were you trying to get beat back there cause it seemed as if you were?" I question. "I wasn't going to let them win," he smirks. "So you built up their fire so they want to killed you more?" I question.

"I didn't give them the satisfaction of trying to make me look weak," he says. I glance at him and shake me head "why am I still around you?" I question more to myself than to him.

"Every girl wants herself a bad boy," he smiles. I couldnt help but to break out laugh. "You really don't know me," I tell him.

"I know you enough," he says. I just smile. "So you think your a bad boy?" I question raising my eyebrows as I glance over at him. "What do you think?" He asks hoping for an answer that I didnt have.

"We need to get alcohol to clean that up," I say gesturing to his chest. "I need alcohol," he mumbles. "Not to drink," I say getting off the to the gas station. I grab the alcohol and walk up to the cashier.

"ID," he simply says. "I'm not drinkin g it," I tell him. He looks up at me "Id," he repeats. I sigh and was ready to pull my Id until the door swings open and Dominic walks in.

I stare at him, he had put on a shirt. "What's taking so long?" He asks. "Oh she must've forgotten her ID," he says to the cashier pulling out his. I look down at the ID he put down and it said he was 24.

Dominic pays and takes the alcohol and walks out. I was right behind him. "Where the hell did you get that ID?" I question getting on the car. "How do you think I get into bars," he smirks.

"I said where not why," I tell him starting the car back up. "From some dude I met outside the bar when I got thrown out cause I was unaged," he explains.

We get to a motel and go into the room we payed for. I go and get a towel from the bathroom and soak it in alcohol. "Take off your sbirt," I tell him. He takes off his shirt and sits next to me.

Without any warning I put the towel on the wounds. "Ahhh," he screamed. "Stop being suck a big baby," I smile. "Really? You could of give me a warning," he smirks.

"Ok warning," I say trying to clean the wounds. I could tell he was bitting his tongue trying not to scream.

I look up at him and see tears filled in his eyes. "Are you crying?" I ask putting the towel down. "No, I dont cry," he lies. "You know people cry not because they are weak but because they've been strong for so long," I tell him.

He just stares into my eyes. I get up ready to leave the room. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I turn back to look at Dominic who was now standing as well.

I stare into his eyes. "Thank you," he mumbles. Before I could respond he leans in and kisses me.

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