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I start driving through a rain of tears. I didn't understand why his words really hurt me. I should just try to stay away from him. My life was a bit better than having him in it and hurting my feelings every time he opens his mouth.

I step outside at the park and sit on the swing that I use to sit on when I was younger. I stare up at the dark starless sky. The sky was just like my life, empty. The wind blows in my hair blowing it in my face.

All the memories of when I was younger and had the life that kid would want, two caring parents and a great life... it all floods back in my head.

My head starts aching from all the memories. I stare at the sky and absorbing the silences. All of a sudden, I head loud booming noise from behind me. I jump up from the swing and look at my surrounding. I take in a deep breath and start walking back to ny car.

"Excuse me," I hear as I was almost to my car. I turn around and see a man around the age early 40s. He had on flithy clothes that were torn. "Yes," I say my voice shaky. "Can you help me with some change," he says. I stare at him, "I'm sorry I dont have any money on me," I say saddly, telling the truth. I felt really bad, I wish I could help him.

He just strolls off, limping as he moves. I take a deep breath and head into my car. I put my fingers through my hair and just sit in my car.

I don't know how long I've sitting there but when I open my eyes, the daylight was shining in my face. I turn on my car and start driving home.

I get off the car and see someone sitting on the step. I get closer noticing it was Dominic. What? How did he know where I lived? And I thought he was still in the hospital.

"What are you doing here?" I question. He gets up when he notices I'm there. "I just came to apologize," he says, with his hands in hus pockets. "Why?" I ask, not wanting him anywhere near me, everything about him was bad news.

"I have been acting like an ass... Can we start over," he says wuth no type of expression on his face. I stare at him. "What do you want from me." I ask. He sigh. He starts walking, but I step in front of him. I don't know why I didn't let him go, but stick of him ignoring my questions. "Answer me," I mumble.

He stares at me and looks up, looking at something behind me. I turn around to meet his gaze at what he was looking at. My dad stood there anger filling his eyes. I glance at Dominic, wanting him to disappear. I take in a deep breath. "Blair inside, now," he says pissed.

My body gets tense. I just stare at him unable to breath. "Blair, now!" he yells as if he knew what was going on. I take a deep breath ready to explain, but unable to from any words.

He starts walking towards me. I hand grabs mine. I look up to see it was Dominic, I was taken by shock. "She's not going anywhere sir," he says. I wanted to pull my hand away but was unable to move. "Get off my property right now before I call the cops!" my dad exclaims. "Do you really want to do that, after your dirty record," Dominic says. My eyes widens surprised of the entire situation.

"Are you threatening me?" my dad question anger boiling in his veins. "Yeah, I am," Dominic, shockingly says. "Let go of my daughter, and get the hell off my f**king property!" my dad yells. "You don't know how to treat her like a human, don't even say daughter," Dominic says dragging me along with him.

We end up at my car. "You want to get out of here," he says. I get on my car and unlock it for him to get in. We drive off, not sure where to.

"Why did you do that?" I ask finally able to speak. "I just saved your life... Didn't I?" he questions with a smirk on his face. "But why?" I ask. "I guess... It's time for you to get away from him," he says. I glance at him confused. "Where would I go?" I question. "Anywhere, schools out," he says. "For a couple weeks," I remind him.

"That sounds about perfect," he smiles for the first time I met him, it was actually a good look on him. "Thanks...for that, I wish I had the strength to stand up to him and not go back to him," I say more to myself. "Well, you have the strength... Cause you just left him behind," he says. I nod, a half smile froms on my face. I take in a breath of relief.

____________________________________________So what did you guys think? What do you think about Dominic in this chapter? Sorry I took long to update but, I got busy. Please comment and vote. Thank you.

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