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"Blair," I say trying to wake her up once once I killed them off. I life her off the ground and rush downstairs and out the door.

I get to the car and put her in the backseat rushing to the hospital. This is all my fault I shouldn't have let her come. I knew it was dangerous.

I got to the hospital and they were asking me tons of questions once they got her into a room. So I lie and told them we were in the wrong place at the wrong time and I didn't know who the shooter was.

********After a couple days********

They finally are letting me see her. I open the door and see that she was awake, staring out the window from the bed. Once I shut the door she turns towards me. There were bags under her eyes and her dark raven hair were in her face.

"Hey," I say not wanting to walk into the room all the way. She doesn't respond just goes back to looking out the window. "Blair, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get you into this," I tell her felling bad.

"It's not you fault... It's mine, I decided to go with you," she mumbles not looking at me. I shove my hands in my pocket. I didn't know what else to say. We sat there in silence for a couple minutes.

I take a deep breath "How do you feel?" I finally decide to ask. "It hurts... It feels like hell," she says her voice shaky, I can tell she was crying. I didn't know how to handle situations like this.

"I thought I lost you back there... But you're a fighter," I say walking into the room more and grabbing a chair next to her. She just stares at me, her eyes watery and full of saddness. "I thought I was going to die... It was the scariest moment... I didn't know what to do," she say looking away from me. She stares up at tbe ceiling.

"You were right... I shouldn't promise things I can't keep," I tell her. She looks at me a laughs "yeah," she says softly.

"You know my mom used to say that to me... All the time. Or she'd say liars and cheaters go to hell," I tell her. "I didn't really listen to that. She stares st me. "You want to know what really happened?" I ask. "You don't have to tell me," she mumbles.

I felt like I owe her an explanation since I dragged her into this mess. "I was eleven, when the first phone call started, It was blackmail. My dad was going to lose his job and we'd lose our house and everything. The blackmail started because my dad borrowed money from the wrong people when he was in college. He didn't know that at the time," I start off taking a deep breath.

"The people started tracking him down and destroying his life. By the time my dad payed them off it was too late their boss, the dude I was looking for came in and shot ny dad while he was talking to us. My dad was prepared so he told us what to do to stay safe... We were on the phone when he was killed and then my mom went to check if everything was clear cause they cane to our house looking for us... They shot her right there, she promised she'll come back... But then it was over. They were talking about coming for me but the shitty part is my dad payed them back and they killed my family for no f**king reason," I explain feeling a pain in my chest. I take a deep breath and try to hold it together.

"I'm really sorry... I must of screwed up everything for you," she mumbles tears rolling down her cheek. I stare at her. "No, your the first person that ever tried to hell me," I tell her. "I just feel really bad," she says. "Don't," I tell her reach over to wipe her tears.

She just stares. I move the loose strands of hair out of her face. I just stare into her eyes, it was loneyly and sad. I lean in but stop. I shouldn't do this. I stand up quickly. "I'm sorry," I mumble. "Dominic," she says but stop.

I look down at her. "Do you think they'll come after us?" she asks. I hadn't thought of that. Now I put her in great danger. They'll probably track us down and try to kill both of us. I know Dilrosa won't give up without a fight. "I don't know," I lie.

"Please, don't lie to me," she says bitting her lips. Now fear fill her eyes. I sigh "now that we killed so many of there people." She just stares at me unpleased with my answer.

"Why don't you ever give me a straightforward answer," she says. "Do you want me to say... Yes they are going to find us and kill us both. He has an army stonger then you can imgine. Do you really want to hear that?" I question putting my finger through my hair.

"You know what if they come we are going to put up a bigger fight," I tell her. "Us against them. You know we'll lose. Two against how many... Hundreds? Besides I'm useless," she says. "Your not useless to me...ok. I believe in you. If we're going to die, we die with honor. Right?" I tell her.

"Oh my God you're an idiot," she smiles. "I guess we are a team," she adds looking up. "We fight together... We die together," I tell her. She stares up at in shock "like your parents," she mumbles. I stare at her, now realizing my mom knew she was going to die but she wasn't giving up on my dad. "Like my parents," I mumble.

I sit down feeling a bit weak. I need to catch my breath.

"Dominic," I hear. I look up towards the door. "Mom? Your back," I say.
"So your going to end the fight the right way," she says

"Yeah... Mom did you die for Dad?" I ask. "Dominic, you need her... Don't lwt her go ever," she says ignoring my question. The opens again and this time my dad walks in.

"Dominic to get to Dilrosa, get to his daughter Ember, she means everything to him. If you get her to trust you, you are in," he says. "Do what I couldn't do... You are stronger," he says. "We love you honey," my mom says. "Don't lose the girl... She all you really need," my mom adds.

"What girl?" I ask. "Your heart knows," they say disappearing out the door. "Wow, thanks for the help," I mumble.

"Are you okay?" Blair asks. "I'm fine," I sigh. "You were out for a good ten minutes... I was starting to get worried," she says. I didn't even realize I passed out.

"You really should stop talking to yourself everytime you're about to wake back up," she mumbles. I just smile. "I'll be back, I have something I have to do," I tell her getting up.

I walk out heading out to find how I'll be able to find Ember Dilrosa and to get her to trust me.


Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.Plz leave comments and vote. I want to hear what you thought.

*I know it going a bit fast. But that's how it's suppose to be*

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