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I shut my eyes trying to get some sleep, but lately I couldn't get any sleep. Blair stops the car. I look around at where we were at. I glance at her, and she looked exhausted. She takes a deep breath and looks over at me.

"Did you hear me?" Blair asks. I didn't even realize she was talking.

"Tell me about yourself," I mumble, sitting up and giving up on sleep. "Like what?" she asks her voice tired. "Who is Blair Underwood?" I question turning my entire focus to her. She stares out at the windshield, not replying.

We sit in silence for a good ten minutes before she looks at me. "I don't know," she mumbles. I chuckle to myself, and her eyes widens with irritation. I'm not trying to make her mad, but she's just weird. She seems really lost, and unsure where to go. I know I'm the same, but I know how to resolve my problems. Even if I don't make good decision, I erase my mind for a while.

"Have you ever tried drinking?" I ask. She stares at me shocked and shakes her head. "I don't drink," she says with a smirk. I chuckle; wow good girl, that seems to not know what she's doing in life, interesting.

We sit there, neither one of us talking. Both tired but unable to sleep. I need a drink. "Do you know if there's a gas station around here?" I ask. She turns to me. "I have enough gas, and I'm too tired to drive," she yawns. "I'll drive, and I need to get something," I say. She doesn't hesitate and she gets off the car, switching places with me.

I drive around until I find a gas station. I hop the car and head inside. I head in a grab a six box of beer and head to the cashier. He doesn't ask for id, and I pay him and head outside. I sit outside on the ground, wanting fresh air. I open the first bottle and take a long gulp.

Blair comes off the car, after my second beer. "Can I get my keys back," she says pissed. I stare up at her. "Join me," I tell her. She rolls her eyes. I sigh ignoring her and opening the next bottle. She just stands there staring at me. "Drinking just helps me relax," I tell her. She sits down next to me, not saying anything. I take out a beer and offer it to her, but she shakes her head. "That's a bad habit," she finally speaks.

"I just want to forget... as long as it' gone for a moment, its relief," I tell her leaning my back against the wall. The night breeze blows on me. I take another sip. For some strange reason the death of my parents all floods back.

I was hiding with my mom, as my dad instructed us. I don't know who but someone was after us. We hear my dad getting shot over the phone, as much as we want to scream and cry we stayed on the line, as he told. After we were hudden for thirty more minutes my mom went to check if everything was clear, even though I cried for her not to. "It'll be alright, I'll be right back. I promise," she tells me.

"Don't promise what you can't keep," I mumble to her. She always use to say that to me. She stares at me giving me a kiss before she goes out to face her death. I watch as she walks around, right there and then she get shot.Tears stream down my face but I keep quiet. I catch a glimpse of the man that shot my parents, but I couldn't see the rest.

"Let's head out, everything is taken care of here. You know what boss said no one left alive,"the man says to the rest. "Where's the son?" another questions. "He'll die from a misery. But we'll find him and kill him, just not now," he tells them and they all disappear.
I think the main man was Calvin Dilrosa, my parents kept talking about him and how dangerous he was,thats why we kept moving around.

"Are you okay?" Blair asks bring me back to reality. I look towards her and stand up not replying. I walk to the car and unlock the drivers seat ready to go.

"No way on Earth are you driving," she says snitching the keys away from me. "You know what fine, drive, but tomorrow I'm in charge," I tell her. She just stared at me confused and rolls her eyes getting into the drivers seat.

"What are you in charge for?" she asks as she starts driving. "We are gonna meet with the devil and get rid of him," I tell her taking a sip. She stops the car and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Ok, you had enough of that," she says grabbing the bottle from my hand.

"I say when it is enough, do you understand," I tell her annoyed by her b***hy attitude. She stared at me not saying anything. "Now drive," I basically command her. She doesn't move she just stares at me in disgust.

Ok maybe I am being rude but I am not in the mood to play games. I am pissed off and ready to fight back. I don't even know why I was hiding from Dilrosa and his posey. They should have been the ones hiding, I am ready to get revenge.

I sigh "I'm sorry, but I'm really not in the mood so just please leave me the hell alone," I tell her. She doesn't even respond she drives. Her grip on the stirring wheel tightens and she doesn't take her eyes off the road for a second. I can tell she was angry but was trying her best not to show it.

The next day we drive around town to get something to eat. Blair still wasn't talking to me. I guess silent treatment was her way of resolving her anger. We stop and eat.

We head into a library so I can do my research on where Calvin Dilrosa is. Blair just sits next to me watching the screne, not speaking. I glance at her and she looked bored out of her mind. I turn back to the computer and try to ignore her rude sneers and silence.

After what seemed like forever I found him. I chuckle to myself, karma is a b***h.

So what did u think if thus chapter, please leave comments and vote. Thank you so much I hope you enjoy... Things are going to get a bit crazy

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