[05] That girl is doing things to me

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After a lot of running around the house you decided to check your old room when you opened the door the first thing you saw is a poster of Ben

"Well looks like it's not my room anymore" you muttered to yourself

You entered the room and you didn't mind closing the door it has a nice light blue wallpaper and the bed is neatly made his desk is full of beautiful portraits which made you shocked you didn't know ben could draw sure he likes to read but draw? You decided to grab a sheet of paper and a pencil you sitted on Ben's bed and started sketching. after what felt like an hour you finished the sketch you made

Then you saw Ben leaning at the door smirking at you

"What are you smirking at"

"Didn't notice your new hair it suits you" said Ben

"Thanks? Nice drawings by the way I didn't know your good at it" said y/n

"I'm good at everything" said Ben making you roll your eyes

He then sat next to you

"What are you sketching"
said Ben snatching your drawing from your hands

"Hey!" Said y/n

"Is this me?" Said Ben chuckling

"No asshole that's our Ben not you" you said taking the drawing back

"Well he looks handsome" said Ben

"He is isn't he" y/n said not realizing what she just said

"You think I'm handsome I mean I sure do look like him" said Ben making you smile

You looked at him both of you are looking at each other's eyes, suddenly you got lost in them he started leaning in you leaned closer you didn't know why but there's this strange feeling that's pushing you to do it your lips are inches from touching

But then Fei cleared her throat
Making you and Ben look at her

"What now Fei can't you see I'm in a middle of something!" Said Ben

"It's time for dinner" said Fei

Ben groaned and stood up from his bed and left the room with Fei

Your still sitting on Ben's bed deep on your thoughts. why did I leaned closer? you thought to yourself do I like him? No no that's impossible I mean those feelings are for our Ben and for our Ben only, is it?

"Shit" you muttered to yourself

After a while you speeded downstairs on the living room since everyone's there

"You were basically screaming for help" you heard Jayme said

"I wasn't actually screaming I was kicking his ass" said Alphonso

"You couldn't breath but" said Jayme talking to Alphonso

"Doesn't look like your family is coming anytime soon" said Fei

"Can't believe those assholes forgot about us" you said to Luther annoyed

"Oh no I'm sure they're just you know working out the final details and such-" said Luther nervously

"Relax both of you are free to go" said Ben

"Why?" You asked him

"Gesture of goodwill but I want both of you to pass along a very important message to your family" said Ben

"Yeah of course" said Luther

"Let Marcus go and if any of you hurt one hair on him we'll come for you all of you and I promise we won't be so hospitable next time" said Ben

"Cool" you said smiling on Ben trying to hide your laugh at how he just threatened the both of you

"You'll do as we say or else.."said Fei releasing birds

"Or else you're gonna peck the eyes out of my brother and make a nest out of his skull" you said finishing fei's sentence

"Don't forget both of your tote bags" said Ben snapping his fingers gesturing for Alphonso to get it

Alphonso gave both of you your tote bags

"Hope both of you enjoyed your stay y/n feel free to come back anytime" said Ben winking at you

Both you and Luther headed out of the house

"Give me that" you said gesturing for the sparrow academy jacket his wearing and the tote bag his carrying


"Just give me it"

He then removed his jacket and handed it to you so is the tote bag

"Go, I'll be back" said y/n

He nodded then you speeded back to the academy to go find Ben once you found him you putted the jacket on him on slow motion and putted the two tote bags on the both of his hands

You stood in front of him and stopped the slow motion

"What the, what the fuck!" said Ben

"You can keep the silly merchandise my brother doesn't need it he already look like an idiot with or without that thing" you said fixing the jacket on him while he's just staring at you

"Good luck on planning on attacking us hope it do well" you said smiling at him

"I'll see you around Ben" you said patting his shoulders then speeding off

"That girl is doing things to me"said Ben to himself


889 words

Shortest chapter so far hope you guys enjoyed reading I'll try to update as soon as I can! - author

QFTD: if you could choose any powers for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

Mine will be super speed ofc so I could do things faster and go somewhere faster

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