[09] Stanley

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All of you decided to continue to talk about this Kugelblitz at the bar while fives making a drink for everyone you also noticed Diego's not back yet I wonder what's he doing right now

"So this Kugelblitz what is it exactly?" You asked Five

"The end of everything every rock, every star, every atom sucked into a radiant black hole" said Five

"Randomly collapsing matter every moment in time across all existence till nothing's left" said Lila finishing Fives sentence

"Hate to say I told you so, but"

"You love to say I told you so" said Viktor before drinking the drink five gave him

"You know it's impressive whoever knocked off your mum's hated you all enough to end the entire universe" said Lila

"We don't know that" said Viktor

"It doesn't matter who created the thing we just have to kick it's ass" said Allison

"Oh really how?"said y/n making Allison look at her

"Are you and Diego gonna punch It in the Kugel" said Luther making Allison roll her eyes at him

"The best plan is to go back in time and eliminate the paradox and destroy whatever it was that took out our mother's and stop the Kugelblitz before it starts but we can't do that, briefcase is kaput" said Five

"And why the hell can't you just jump us out of here?" asked Allison

"Last time he tried that we all got trapped in time do you really wanna risk that again?" said y/n making Allison glare at her

"Exactly" said Five agreeing to y/n

"What's plan B?" asked Viktor

Five didn't answer, after a while Diego finally comes back with Stanley and Klaus following him you also noticed Klaus's shirt has blood on them

"Gimme that" said Klaus gesturing to the liquor fives holding

"What the fuck happened to you?" you asked Klaus gesturing at the blood on his shirt

"Oh just a speargun to the chest no big deal" said Klaus

Before you could ask Klaus what ever the fuck he meant by that Diego speaks

"What did we miss?" said Diego

"The universe is ending and we're all going to die" said Lila making Stanley confused

Suddenly some of the people at the hotel disappeared

"What the hell was that" said Diego

"That was a Kugel wave, oh it's getting worse" said Five

"How long do we have?" asked Luther

"At this rate of escalation if you factor in-"

"How long five?!" You whispered yelled at him

"Four maybe five days before the rest of existence is blitzed" said Five

"It's like we're in a loop" y/n muttered to herself

"We should've given them Harlan" said Luther

"What about Harlan?" asked Diego

"The sparrows said if we turned him over we could end the fighting" said Luther

"And then work together to save the world" said y/n finishing Luthers sentence

"But we tried to make peace Okay, and then the step-siblings from hell attacked, kidnapped you both and they tried to kill us I mean, come on we can't trust them, Working together would be like trying to defuse a bomb by pouring gas on it it's only gonna make things burn down faster" said Viktor

"But don't we need the big bad glowy thing in their basement" said Klaus

"What?" said y/n

"Klaus, do you know where the Kugelblitz is?" asked Five

"Oh yeah I saw it" said Klaus before gasping dramatically

"When I went to visit dad it's in the old storage room where mom used to keep all her luggage" said Klaus

"Why didn't you tell anyone" said diego

"I did I told you!" said Klaus to Diego

"You say stupid shit all the time" said Diego

"Of course it appeared in the same place we did" said Five

While Diego and Klaus are arguing like little kids which made Viktor and Luther leave you just decided to talk to Lila and Stanley since you're next to them

"Lila can I ask a question" whispered y/n to Lila while five joined Diego and klaus's argument

"Sure babes" said Lila

"How come Stanley's white when you and Diego are"

You gut cut off by your sentence when Lila puts her hand on your mouth

"Shhh don't tell anyone this especially Diego, Stanley's not my kid I just brought him a long" whispered Lila before removing her hand on your mouth


"It's funny how you noticed and none of them did" said Lila chuckling

"Well they're dumb especially Diego" said y/n making Stanley snicker

"so who's his mom?" you asked Lila

"Just my friend met her when I was busy smashing walls, she's not home so I decided to bring Stan with me" said Lila

"Sup" said Stan smiling

"Sup" you said smiling back which made him a bit blush


Sorry no Ben and y/n again we're almost there don't worry just wait and thank you guys so much for 4k reads!!
- author

QFTD: What's your favorite Netflix series?

Other than the umbrella academy mine is probably Stranger things ofc and Anne with an e

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