[020] Oblivion

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You just went to your room after that
You really didn't want to talk to anyone especially Ben because of what he just said you just miss him so much you just wished you were the one that died that day

You left your room quickly after you heard about Luther he was killed in the white buffalo suite, all of you stood there still in shock watching Sloane mourn at Luther's dead body he has a huge cut on his chest and blood is spreading everywhere you're not really close to Luther but dang seeing him dead like that hitted you like a bus and he was your sibling after all

"Oh my god Luther" said Viktor

"What happened?" Asked Five

"He went to go get ice I couldnt- he didn't come back" said Sloane shaking
"I- I don't know"

"It must've been him the guardian" said Lila

"She's right. Whatever did this had a long curved blade" said Diego

"How can you be so sure?" Asked Y/n

"I don't know much but I know knives" said Diego

"Children what's going on?" Asked Reginald worried "Oh god! Luther"

"If we attacked first, he would still be alive" said Ben

The ground then started shaking
And there are loud explosions

"Guys hey guys!" Said Ben

"What are we gonna do with Luther?" asked Sloane

"Okay we're out of time the Kugelblitz is here" said Five

"Everyone into the passage! It's the only way!" Said Reginald

You speeded at the passage quickly
The rest followed

"Let's never do that again" said Viktor

"What narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Said Five

"Yeah it's kind of our thing isn't it?" Said Diego

"There's something very wrong about that" said Five looking at the white buffalo

"Same suite, just ass-backwards" said Lila

"No hyperbole there" said Five

"This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit" said Ben

"Yeah, it only gets weirder" said Y/n

Reginald then came closing the passage way door

"At last the other side" said Reginald

"Where's Klaus?" Asked Y/n and Viktor

"Children I'm sorry but your brother I did all I could but he didn't make it through in time" said Reginald sending all of you in shock

"The Kugelblitz has claimed it's last victim" said Reginald

"No he was right behind me when I entered the tunnel" said Five

"We need to go back" said Sloane

"There's nothing to go back to children there will be time for tears later right now we have to keep moving" said Reginald

"Wait Luther and Klaus?" Said Viktor

You really can't believe what's happening right now first Luther now Klaus? Klaus is like your favorite sibling he's always there when you need a good laugh he always backs you up he was there for you when Ben died he was always there..

You guys left the suite and headed downstairs

"It's magnificent" said Reginald looking around

"You guys should've stayed here this place is way nicer" said Ben

You scoffed "way nice he says don't be surprised if you see someone lying around here dead" said Y/n

"And we barely got out alive last time,
Wait y/n why are you dating this idiot again?" Asked Diego pointing at Ben

"Because he's Ben but don't worry I'm close with breaking up with him" said Y/n remembering what Ben said to her earlier

"What hey-" said Ben but got cut off

"This is not the time children" said Reginald

"Okay back to the guardian it was strong, fast, and super pissed" said Lila

"Alright so whatever you do, do not ring this bell" said Diego pointing at the Bell

"Yep unless you wanna lose a finger or a tentacle" said Y/n

"I'll take my chances" said Sloane

"Don't!" Said Lila

"Get out of my way" said Sloane

"To take out this thing we need to be in the right state of mind okay?" said Lila

"State of mind? Do you mean, am I angry? Yes I am angry I wanna kill whatever it is that hurt Luther" said Sloane

"Luther isn't the only one that's gone we lost Klaus too I'm angry okay we all are we have to be smart about this" said Viktor

"Yeah when the time is right, we'll act" said Lila

"Don't even try it Five doors won't let you out" said Diego looking at Five who's about to exit the hotel

"So,what, we're stuck here?" Said Allison

"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once" said Reginald

"Does anyone know what that sign says?" Asked Viktor pointing at the sign next to the bell

"Yeah it says "Do not ring the bell" that's what that mean" said Diego

"We get it Diego Bell bad what do we do? Does anybody know?" Asked Five

"Reggie? Reggie" Said Allison
But Reginald's not answering

"I'm hungry does anybody fancy an unagi roll?" Said Lila

"How can you possibly eat at a time like this?" asked Ben

"I don't know how can you be a dick at a time like this?" Said Lila

"Nice one" you said high fiving Lila

"Hey! Back off all right? She's eating for-" said Diego but got cut off

"Strength in these trying times Diego can you come with me for a second" said Lila grabbing Diego by the arm before walking away

"Y/n can we talk?" said Ben

"No Ben I don't want to talk to you" you said before walking away


Okay so one or two more chapters and this fanfic ends let's just hope it won't end like one of bill denbrough's books
(If you're a fan of IT you'll get me ;) )

924 words

QFTD:Which fictional character do you relate to the most?

I relate to Peter Parker the most we both are introverts on the inside but on the outside we are an extrovert and we're both creative I guess

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