[019] Voting

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Time skip ~

"So I guess you guys know which way you're voting then" said Five talking to you and Luther

"You're more than welcome to join us" said Luther

"I'm still on the fence on that one"
"I saw something last night that I was not supposed to see" said Five

"Diego and Lila" said Luther

"What's with Diego and Lila?" ask Y/n

"Yeah they do it on the stairs sometimes" said Luther

"Ugh" said Y/n

"No, I saw dad he was in his room with someone he was making some kind of deal Before you ask, I don't know what the deal was or who it was with, everything is a blur" said Five

"Wasn't me or Sloane we were uh, busy doing other things last night" said Luther smiling

"Yeah, I get it, Luther Thank you everyone was boning everyone last night" said Five

"Wait, Ben and you did it last night?" asked Luther looking at you

"What pfft no we didn't" said Y/n

"Focus please that story about the bells there's something dad's not telling us think about it when has the old man ever been straight with us?" Said Five

"I don't know he was ruthless in our performance reviews" said Luther

"He always gave me five stars" said Five

"Yeah yeah me to" said Y/n

"Really?" Said Luther

"Look I'm old enough to trust my instinct and it's telling me this is a trap.. Food for thought" said Five before walking away

"Wait five" you said following him

"What?" Said Five

"Where exactly did you saw Dad last night?" Asked y/n

"At the white buffalo suite why?" asked Five

"I was speeding off last night when I was drunk but I think I saw him too it's kind of hard to remember I just remember you passing out at the elevator" said Y/n

"Wait you're the one who just laughed instead of helping me?" Said Five annoyed "whatever if you remembered everything just find me" said Five before walking away

Time skip~

"I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting we've all been through a lot we've all lost people, mannequins but their deaths have to mean something which is why I'll be voting to go with that" said Allison pointing at Reginald

"What she said" said Lila to Diego before walking towards Allison
"let's go save the bloody universe!" Shouted Lila

"Woo-hoo!" said Klaus

"All right, well since she said yes, I vote stay" said Diego making Lila scoff
"How's that for nice?"

"You're not being serious" said Lila

"It's his vote Lila" said Allison glaring at Diego "Klaus?"

"I am with father" said Klaus pointing at Reginald

"Okay that's four to one" said Allison

"Look, I wanna believe okay? I really do I just can't shake the feeling what were getting ourselves into" said Viktor

"No but we know what we've got if we don't we have to go into this together Viktor a family" said Allison

"You can't just keep throwing the word "family" around it isn't enough I vote stay" said Viktor


"Um Sloane and I talked and we'll we're out look, we wanna spend whatever time we have left together and not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells and stuff" said Luther

"Well,dead even four in four out" said Viktor

"That leaves you, Y/n and Number Five" said Reginald

"I vote stay" said Y/n

"I saw the future and it told me to sit this one out I vote stay, it's time we accept our fate" said Five

"You're all pathetic" said Allison before walking away

"Why can't we go in there just the four of us?" Asked Ben

"That would mean certain failure there must be seven. children I can't say I'm happy with this but I see not the blame falls on me I failed you when you were young and I have failed you now and in doing so I have doomed the entire universe if anyone needs me I'll be in the courtyard awaiting the end" said Reginald before leaving

"Idiots" said Ben before walking away

You decided to follow him

"Idiots huh" said Y/n

"Why did you vote to stay? I thought you want to spend time as much as you have with me" said Ben

"Ben I don't trust dad I always won't" said Y/n

"Very well enjoy dying then I guess you'll meet old Ben after all" said Ben before walking away


759 words

QFTD:What is your worst memory of elementary school?

Long story short
Mine is when I borrowed my teacher's phone because we can't bring phones to school and then I went to return it but I couldn't find her, my other teacher decided to prank her by hiding the phone she told everyone not to tell where the phone is the teacher who owns the phone got mad at everyone for hiding the phone and didn't even let me explain why, everyone on the class blamed me

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