[014] Back to the hotel

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Everyone left the basement after that and started celebrating at the living room everyone danced drink and spill champagne everywhere before heading their own ways

You decided to rest at a random guest room since today has been a very exhausting day I mean running away from the hotel oblivion with Diego and Lila how can someone not get exhausted from that

You suddenly woke up when you felt a kugelwave and the academy started shaking you left the room and speeded downstairs to find your siblings

"We gotta get out" you heard Viktor said

"I thought everything's fine now?!" Shouted y/n

"Yeah that's what we thought!" shouted Five back "wait Ben!" shouted Five before spacial jumping to get Ben

All of you left the academy and headed to the hotel obsidian since it's the only place wheres safe for now

"So, how is it that we're still here but the whole of the universe is going down the cosmic shitter?" asked Allison

"Maybe we're the last to get flushed" said Viktor

"Wasn't talking to you"said Allison which made you roll your eyes like is she being serious right now the world's ending and she won't forgive Viktor

"Hey has anyone seen Klaus?" Asked Luther

"Or dad" said Sloane

"They'll be here" said Diego

"Really? Did they.. hit traffic" said Ben

"No actually they are heading here right now" said y/n

"How do you know that?" Asked Ben

"I just checked" you said smiling

"Whatever look people were alive because we're special right? We're the only ones who can save the universe" said Ben

"Uh question" said Allison raising her hands


"Didn't we just try that and fail miserably" said Allison

"Yeah it's because his plan was stupid" said Diego pointing at Ben "I got a better one"

"Of course you do" said Ben annoyed

"We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator you guys do some science and 'clicks tounge' we launch the Kugelblitz into outer space didn't think I knew that, did ya? It's in Switzerland" Said Diego smirking to himself

"That's a stupid plan" y/n muttered to herself which Ben heard making him laugh

"It's hadron not hard-on ya moron!" shouted Ben

"Oi! At least he's trying you shitty little squid what have you contributed" said Lila defending Diego

"Actually, he did blow up half his family" said Diego pointing at Ben

"Oh you wanna talk about family problems you know what should have blown up is your face on that neck!" Said Ben facing Diego

"And here we go" muttered y/n to herself

"I wish I had a cake to hit you with it in your face!" said Diego

"What are you talking about" said Ben in Korean

"You better cut that out" said Diego in Spanish which makes you chuckle at how they're fighting with different languages

"Shut up!" said Ben in Korean

"Hey! You guys done" shouted Five which makes everyone look at him
"The universe is disappearing outside so you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic If it makes you feel better but the fact remains that we are too late" said Five

"Five come on" said Luther

"He's right Luther its over we failed" said y/n while five nodded at her

"Come on it can't be over" said Viktor

"Yeah come on guys we gotta figure this out man okay" said Diego

"How about we take a step back look at the big picture here most of us have spent this last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending what exactly have we accomplished?" Said Five

"Well we made some friends along the way" said Luther

"Incorrect! You know what we've done, nothing. We made things worse every single time" said Five

"Amen to that" said Allison

"Look when I went to the commission I had a conversation with my 100 year old self and my last words were "don't save the world" " said Five

"Don't save the world?" said Viktor

"Don't save the world" five repeated defeat in his voice

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" said Diego

"Is it? have you heard of the plan you're trying to say earlier" said y/n making Ben laugh while Diego just rolled his eyes at her

"Well whatever were doing is not working all we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back and then everything goes to shit again" said Luther

"Yeah maybe we're the problem" said Viktor

Allison scoffs "oh yeah us" said Allison but Viktor just ignored here

"So wait your big plan is no plan?" Said Lila

"Exactly. Conscientious objection Why the hell not? We've tried everything else look maybe this is just what the universe needs I say embrace the apocalypse see what's on the other side" said Five

"What If it's nothing?" Said Sloane sadness filled her voice

"Then it's been nice knowing you all whatever's on your bucket list I recommend you do that now" said Five taking a seat

"Well, on that super happy note we've um" said Luther standing up with Sloane "we've uh got a little announcement to make" said Luther smiling

"We're engaged!" Said Luther and Sloane in unison

"Kill me Jesus" said Ben quietly while you just smiled happy for the both of them

"Idiots" said Five quietly

"Now?" asked Allison

"Yeah look we realize the timing is less than ideal But, obviously it's now or never am I right five?" Said Luther
Pointing at five

"Don't drag me into this please" said Five

"What.. whatever time we have left we wanna spend it with all of you so were super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 pm for a celebration of our love and the official union of what's left of our two great families" said Sloane


994 words

QFTD: What phobia do you have?

Mines thanatophobia no explanation needed lol

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