[018] Seven bells

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"hey you know something?" said Luther making everyone look at him "tonight is all I ever really wanted"

"To get hitched?" asked Diego

"Just.. everybody coming together when it really matters.. one big real family" Said Luther

Time skip~

You and Ben are sleeping at the top of the billiard table while Klaus is sleeping at the floor

You started waking up with the worst head ache ever and so is Ben

"God my head" said Ben groaning

"Not so loud" said Klaus

"Y/n? Y/n?" said Ben checking if you're

"I'm okay" said Y/n

"Klaus? Klaus where are you?" asked Y/n

"I'm here, I'm here don't panic nobody should panic" said Klaus

You started standing up holding at the billiards table for support

"God this place is a mess" said y/n looking around the liquor bottles and the snacks are everywhere

Ben then started standing up
You noticed the 'asshole' you and Klaus wrote at his back last night that he didn't know about which made you chuckle

Ben then walked towards you kissing you on the lips

"God could the both of you stop doing that for like 2 minutes you did that non stop last night it's disgusting" said Klaus standing up

"That was some night" said Klaus chuckling

"It was it was" said Ben laughing with him

"See? I knew you had a little of the ol' Ben in ya now you can stop with all the sulking and the brooding" said Klaus pointing at Ben while you were looking everywhere finding your shoes

"I don't brood" said Ben

"Ben-er-ino" said Klaus

"Don't call me that" said Ben

The two started arguing which you didn't mind they fight over lame things anyways

"I hate you" said Ben

"No you don't" said Klaus

"I do I really do!" Said Ben before walking away flipping off Klaus

"He doesn't hate you" you whispered to Klaus before speeding off

You went to your room and took a shower and fixed yourself before heading downstairs to talk about 'dads plan' well that's what Allison told you

"Woo Five! Yeah!" Shouted Klaus while all of you clapped remembering Fives speech last night

"That speech last night wow!" Said Diego

"Brought me to tears, you big softy" said Lila

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love" said Viktor

"Yes that was great" said Luther

"Okay enough it was the booze talking in the light of day you're all still deplorable" said Five

"And your day's about to get worse
The Norse had seven sleepers The Blackfoot seven stars as a boy I heard the legend of the seven bells all these stories are the same the village is under threat by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends a shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave he tells them if they can ring the seven magic bells the village will be saved and all be restored just as it was " said Reginald making you confuse

"The fuck does that suppose to mean" y/n muttered making Klaus chuckle quietly

"Reggie" said Lila raising her hands up "can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and more 'What the hell does this have to do with us?'" said Lila

"There is a truth to these myths none of you can deny what's going on around us all of existence will be gone by the end of the day but whoever or whatever wove together space and time they left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation. There is a portal in the universe I built this hotel around it and on the other side is the answer" said Reginald

"And.. we're supposed to, what? Just stroll in there, ring some bells, and fix this shit?" said Luther

"Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right except for the guardian" said Reginald making some of you confuse

"What kind of guardian?" Ask Viktor

"Kinda guardian that does this" said Diego showing all of you his hand
Which is missing two fingers "He had a sword"

"It is a force to be reckoned with" said Reginald

"See yeah this is where you lose me" said Luther

"This is where he loses you?" I checked out at the sacred cave" said Lila

"Why would the builders of this "back door" need to have a guardian?" Asked Viktor

"Ah! To protect it from people who want to use it for nefarious means" said Sloane answering Viktors question

"That is correct Sloane" said Reginald

"So it's gonna take all of us to defeat the thing that's protecting the bells" said Allison

"You're actually buying his crap?" said Five

"How is guardians and bells any crazier than time traveling briefcases and assassin's with cartoon masks?" Said Allison

"Actually she's got you there" said Luther

Ben then stood up walking towards his father "I'm in" said Ben

"Me too, but I think some of us should stay back" said Diego looking at Lila "like Lila"

"Uh.. or you can stay, and I can go' said Lila

"No this is much bigger than all of us nobody can stay back" said Allison

"You, my children, are all that stands between us and oblivion are we ready to go?" said Reginald

"Well I say we vote" said Viktor

"This isn't a democracy dad's calling the shots" said Ben

"I agree with Viktor I say we vote" said y/n a bit angry at Ben on how he's literally buying his father's crap

"What?" Said Ben

'shut up' you mouthed

"The world is ending and you want to count hands" said Reginald

"You're asking us to risk our lives I think it's only fair you give us some time to discuss it.. Privately" said Luther

Reginald scoffs before walking away

"Why don't we meet back here in an hour?" Said Luther

"Agreed" said Five

"Yeah sure" said Diego

"Whatever" said Lila


1002 words

QFTD: if you could watch a movie for the first time again what movie would it be?

Mines Avengers endgame
I think we all know why

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