[016] Wedding at the end of the world

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The boys bachelor party started and to your surprise they didn't invite Ben

You saw Ben watching the Bachelor party on the balcony you walked towards him

"You didn't get invited huh?" said y/n

"I don't care it's stupid anyways" said Ben

"And it's official my ears are broke and the idiots with knives can't really sing" said Ben making you chuckle

"Diego, yeah he can't sing" you said chuckling

"I'm sorry they didn't invite you to yhe bachelor party" said y/n

"I told you I don't care about that" said Ben

"Ye you do" said y/n

"That.. that's crazy" said Ben

"Is it? you know Ben I've only met you for a few days and I already know a lot about you" said y/n

You and Ben left the balcony after that and started dressing up you weared your dress ( your pick ) and jewelry's and headed to the wedding with your siblings and Ben.

"I don't think this place is gonna be big enough" said Klaus after, all of exited the elevator

"This better be an open bar" said Allison

"Hey come on it's for Luther let's perk up" said Lila

"Lila's right you know"said y/n

"Wow" said Lila looking around

The elevator door opened revealing Luther and Viktor

"I don't know normally, my tush looks good" said Luther

"Ah, I've seen you've gone for the oversized button down original" said Allison

"You do realize there's no paparazzi here, right?" said Viktor

"Listen to me you two, this is my day alright? So if you two can just get along for a couple of hours. You can consider that my wedding gift" said Luther

"Well he started it so" said Allison

"You literally just started it" said Viktor

"Bah bah bah! My day! Two hours do you think you can manage that" said Luther

"Yeah fine" said Viktor

"Thank you" said Luther

Then the elevator opened again revealing Sloane on her beautiful wedding gown

"Wow" you and Lila said in unison

"Let's get this over with before I die of cringe" said Ben

You all took a sit before the wedding started

"Dearly beloved gathered here today for a good time, not a long time so let's have a good time huh? Cause the sun can't shine everyday can I get an amen!" Said Klaus

"Amen" all of you shouted

"Luther do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady" said Klaus pointing at Sloane

"I do" said Luther happily

"Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next 24 to 48 hours?" Said Klaus pointing at Luther

"Give or take a day" shouted Five
But Klaus just shush him

"I'm gonna try" said Sloane

"Well then, I'm sorry" said Klaus wiping his tears "I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la apocalypse!"
Shouted Klaus

Everyone cheered except for Ben while Luther and Sloane kissed

After a while they started dancing together while the rest of you watched in awe

"This is officially worse than the apocalypse" said Five before heading to get some liquor

Diego and Lila then joined Luther and Sloane while Klaus danced alone

You left them to dance and started getting some food you sitted next to Ben

"How long before we can leave?" asked Ben

"See this is why no one wants to sit with you" said y/n

"Then why are you here?" asked Ben

"Well i-" said y/n but got cut off when the elevator door opened revealing dad

Everyone just stared at him in shock
You could see Luther getting angry
And Sloane trying to calm him down

"He better not seat here I swear to God he better not seat here" you heard Diego said

"What's he doing here?" Asked Ben

"I don't know" said y/n

"But who invited him?" Asked Ben

"I don't know Ben"

"I can't even get invited to a bachelor party and he's invited to this wedding?" Said Ben making you look at him smiling

"I knew it" said y/n

"Knew what?" asked Ben

"You care about the bachelor party" you said smiling

"I- whatever" said Ben

then Klaus walked towards your table

"Hey ben-ihana don't hit me!" Said Klaus chuckling

"What do you want Klaus?" you asked him

"Are you two finally dating" said Klaus smiling like an idiot

"What?" your about to say 'no' when Ben cuts you off

"Why are you here?" He asked Klaus

"Hey listen I know we've never been best buds in this timeline but man do I have a mission for you" said Klaus but got cut off when Ben burps in his face

"Ugh" said Klaus

"There are only ten people left" said Ben holding a shrimp

"Okay drunk Ben clearly likes numbers and shrimp" said Klaus

"And you couldn't even invite me to your stupid bachelor party" said Ben

"Ohh" said Klaus

"Klaus you can go we'll talk later his drunk" you said pointing at Ben

Klaus nodded and Left

"Why don't they like me? But they like the other Ben" said Ben looking at you

"Yeah we love the other Ben" said y/n

"but why? What was special about him" asked Ben

"Everything" said y/n

"What do you mean everything?" he asked

"Well he's kind he's smart he cares about us, me." said y/n

"Can I ask a question?" said Ben


"Why are you wasting your time with me when you can join your siblings?" asked Ben

"Because, Because your Ben and even if you're not the same I'll spend as much time as possible to be with you" said y/n

Ben then started holding your cheek both of you are looking at each other's eyes suddenly you felt lost in them he then broke the eye contact when he started looking at your lips he started leaning in and you leaned closer and finally your lips met

The kiss is soft and passionate you hold the back of his neck while both of you are kissing he's hand holding the side of your face while the other is on your waist both of you then broke the kiss needing air your forehead touch

"You.. you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that" said Ben smiling


Should I continue this? I'm getting lazy for some reasons lol

1070 words

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