[07] Harlan

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after taking a while for you to stand up properly you walked towards Diego,Viktor, Allison and the old man who is currently looking at Jayme and Alphonso's dead body

"Holy shit"you muttered to yourself

Diego whistle's "you upstairs now!" Diego shouted to Stanley while walking towards him

Then Klaus arrived"oh man heavens to Betsy what did you do?" said Klaus looking at the body's "did Viktor go full Carrie again?" He said pointing at Viktor

"We didn't do this" said y/n to Klaus
While Allison pointed at the old man next to her

"Harlan?" Said Viktor "don't!" Said Harlan making Klaus flinch and step a few steps back

"Don't come near me please" said Harlan

"I just want to make sure that you're okay you can, you can talk now"said Viktor

"I can do a lot of things now" said Harlan

"Who the hell is creepy grandpa?"said Klaus walking towards you, Allison and Diego

"That's the kid Viktor saved in Dallas"
Said Diego

"Holy shit you're right" said y/n shocked "oh yeah shit" said Klaus

"But didn't he get rid of all the kids mojo when he did all that?" Said Klaus while moving his hands around

"Yeah I guess that didn't stick" said Allison while folding her arms

"What's he doing here now?" Said Klaus

"who cares he saved us from the sparrows" said Diego

"Sloane it's alright" said Luther while sloane looked at her dead siblings in shock
Before running away

"You got a live one Luther!" Shouted Diego chasing for Sloane you decided to run after Sloane too before Diego do something to her

You and Diego arrived at the hotel spa where Luther and Sloane ran into you saw Sloane using her powers on Luther "Sloane what are you doing" said Luther having a hard time to speak

"Did you set me up?" Said Sloane angrily

"no I would never do that" said Luther

But then Diego put his arms around sloanes neck and started threatening her with a knife "I would, drop him" said Diego. Sloane then dropped Luther who is now holding on the bathtub for support

"Are you okay?" You asked Luther

"I'm good" said Luther

"All right let's go" said Diego still holding Sloane

"Diego don't hurt her"said y/n

"What are you kidding me?" said Diego

"Diego it's okay you can let her go now" said Luther

"She is the enemy"said Diego pressing the knife farther on sloanes neck

"No no no Diego" said y/n

"If you hurt her I will bury you!" Shouted Luther angrily

"You gonna bury me too Luther?" Said Allison

"Just let Luther talk to her.. please" said y/n

"Trust me she's gonna talk" said Allison

"It's okay" said Luther

After pinning Sloane at the wall Diego and Allison sitted at the bath ub while you and Luther stood up worried for Sloane

"Where's the briefcase" said Allison talking to Sloane who is shaking and tears escaping her eyes

"Tell me where is it" "Where the hell is it?" Said Allison angrily

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