[013] Strange feeling

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After the fight between Viktor and Allison you decided to go after Viktor and check how he's doing

You speeded everywhere in the house until you finally found him on Ben's room

"Viktor are you okay?" you asked hugging him

"Thanks but I'm good"

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk about it? asked y/n while sitting down on Ben's bed

"I just don't understand her she, she's not the Allison I used to know" said Viktor crying while he sat next to you

"She's not the Allison I used to know too, im sorry about what she did to you earlier I couldn't stop her" said y/n a frown forming on her face

"It's okay and thanks y/n it's really nice for you to check on me but I think Ill be fine" said Viktor smiling at her

"I didn't know Ben could draw" said Viktor looking at the drawings

"Yeah yeah me to"

"Do you like the new Ben?" asked Viktor suddenly

"What? why does everyone keep asking me that" said y/n chuckling
"But well I don't know"

"I saw how you look at him it's the same way you look at our Ben"said Viktor

"Well there's this strange feeling I feel whenever I see him it's the same feeling I felt for our Ben but I don't know if it's really there I mean he's not the same anymore" said y/n

"You know you don't have to be afraid to Love someone I know you liked Ben since we're kids and I know that you're afraid that if you tell him he might not love you back, but I saw how the new Ben looks at you its the same look you give him. I'm sure he felt that "strange feeling" too I mean he's still Ben but with a different attitude" said Viktor smiling

"Thank you Viktor" said y/n smiling flattered by what Viktor said

Then the door opened and Ben entered looking at the both of you

"What..whatever it is you came to say I'm not coming down to help if Allison's still there" said Viktor

"Just came to get my jacket" said Ben grabbing his jacket from the chair
"Have you been waiting for someone to come chase after you this whole time? Wow! That's so embarrassing" said Ben chuckling

"Well it's official your right y/n our Ben is better" said Viktor making you chuckle

"So I'm told, But didn't he die" said Ben

"And why are you here on my room anyway you know y/n's the only one allowed to be here"said Ben pointing at you

which you just putted a fake smile for him and flipped him off which makes him chuckle before leaving

After a while you and Viktor came downstairs on the basement where mom used to put all her luggage since everyone's there including the Kugelblitz they told the both of you the plan on how Viktor,Sloane,Lila and Christopher will trap the Kugelblitz

"Okay how do we start?" Asked Viktor

"Have you ever moved a nest of bees?" Asked Sloane

"No because that's weird" said Lila

"You can't just pick it up, you have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it and then you trap it" said Sloane before using her powers to the Kugelblitz

"One of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate" said Fei

"I can feel them" said Viktor

"Good whatever happens don't let them speed up or change or everything will blow" said Fei

"Don't shake the bees got it" said Viktor before using his powers on the Kugelblitz

"Lila when you're ready do exactly like Viktor" said Fei

Lila nodded before doing the same thing Viktor did

"Hey what's she doing?" whispered Luther to Ben which is loud enough for you to hear

"Using its own gravity to condense it" said you and Ben in unison which makes you look at each other before focusing on the Kugelblitz

"That's pretty cool huh" said Luther smiling while both you and Ben looked at him with an 'are you serious right now?' look which made him frown

"You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God" said Grace who just arrived which makes everyone look at her

"Mom?" said Diego

"You have no right to do that" said Grace

"We're a little busy here Grace" said Luther while Diego walked towards Mom

"The day of vengeance was in my heart" said Grace

"What are you talking about?" Asked Luther

"and my year of redemption hath come" said Grace before pointing something at Diego and fire comes out of the thing

"Shit!" Said Diego ducking

"The day of vengeance was in my heart and my year of redemption hath come" said Grace spreading the fire everywhere

Ben then grabbed you by the waist and both of you fell at a bunch of briefcase's

"Hey mom mom mom it's Diego don't make us hurt you" you heard Diego said

But mom didn't listen and continued to spread the fire finally it stopped when five spatial jumped to her and take her somewhere

"Ugh your mom's real creepy you know that"said y/n trying to stand up "um you can let go now" Ben then let go of her waist both of them blushing looking away from each other and focused on the Kugelblitz

"Christopher, Now!" shouted Sloane
While Christopher divided into pieces and started trapping the Kugelblitz

And finally they did it successfully

"Did it work?" Asked Five

"Next kugelwave in three, two, one" said Sloane

Nothing happened just a fart from Christopher


975 words

QFTD: What's your favorite animal?

Mines a ferret I never seen one in person but they're so cute I see them everywhere on tiktok

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