[010] Mother's of Agony

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You guys heard Viktor and Luther arguing so all of you decided to left the bar and go towards them

"Stop covering for him" you heard Luther said

"Covering what?" asked Five putting both hands on his pocket like he always does "what's going on?"

"He didn't mean to hurt anyone" said Viktor shaking his head

"Really? You mean, when he did this" said Luther pointing at Viktors Cut

Stan winces "Ow!" Said Stanley

"Wait Harlan did that?" asked Five pointing at Viktors Cut

"That's it I'm gonna end him" said Diego making you a bit smile on how protective he is

"Look I know how it looks but Harlan didn't ask for this if we hadn't gonna back to 1963 If I hadn't have saved him"

"He killed Jayme and Alphonso, not you he's the reason we're in this mess and he's our only way out of it" said Luther cutting Viktor's sentence

you just listened to them argue because why speak if you can watch I love drama

"Luther's right if we're gonna have an iota of a chance of getting out of this alive we need access to the Kugelblitz" said Five

"There's only four of them left we can just overpower them" said Viktor

"What, and risk losing some of us in the process Harlan is insignificant" said Five

"You told me once that no one is insignificant" said Viktor to Five " They'll kill him"

"Uh, so? We are talking about one person versus saving billions of lives here I mean, is this really a debate for you people?" said Lila you just nodded to what she said

you don't really know which side to choose here, you understand Viktor completely but you still wanna live I mean end of the world again? When will this gonna end.

"Hey little britain you don't get a vote!" shouted Viktor to Lila

"Lila lives in this universe too besides she's family now. Kinda, sorta" said Klaus

"Mm Thanks kitten" said Lila

"I don't give a shit about the sparrows but I'm not gonna let scary-ass Grandpa finish you off" said Diego

"Five days ago he was just a little kid and what now I'm supposed to just decide whether he lives or dies" said Viktor

"Viktor, we're down to ethical triage here, all right? We can't save everyone the kindest cut wins" said Five

"Allison and Y/n haven't voted yet" said Viktor making everyone look at you

"Oh uh I'm sorry Viktor but I'm on five's side" said y/n

"You always wanted to be on the team this is what it is saving the world means making the hard calls" said Luther

"I hate this" said Viktor

"Yeah I know, I'll go get him" said Luther

"Wait no Let me do it he trusts me I can convince him to come quietly" said Viktor before heading upstairs

You and Klaus just stayed at the bar after the argument, drinking while talking since there's some time to kill

"You know y/n when Ben and I are stuck in Dallas in the 90s he won't stop worrying about you he keeps babbling your name everywhere" said Klaus making you miss ben more

"Really?" you asked him

"Yeah really can I ask a question?" Said Klaus


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