[017] New Ben

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You're about to respond to what Ben said but then Reginald Speaks

"Sloane ever since you were a little girl I've always known you were exceptionally bright and though I can't say I know Luther all that well from the few moments we have shared it seems you found yourself an adequate partner" said Reginald

"He just called Luther adequate" you heard Five said chuckling

"Nicest thing he's ever said to him" you heard Diego said

"The kerchief really softens him though" said Klaus

"Shh" said Lila

"I acknowledge that, as a father I was not without my faults I hope these shortcomings will be seen as only a rough patch on an otherwise verdant lawn" said Reginald

"I'm proud to call you my children even those whom I raised in a revenant version of myself I hope that tonight we can create a few special memories in whatever precious little time we have left" said Reginald

"The sun rises over the a lily's field a mother veiled, her lips concealed the mourners come in droves of black to bury what their hearts unpack with shallow breath and time eclipsed I pray you miss deaths gentle kiss" said Reginald finishing his speech

"That makes no sense" said Ben

"Beautiful! Bravo,Dad! Bravo!"shouted Klaus while you, Lila,Diego and him claps

"All right all right time to turn those frowns upside down! This one is for all the party people in the place" Said the worker

Everyone left their Table to Dance

["Come in Mr.Lonely" by Jerry Dyke started playing]

"Come on in sit right down Mr. Lonely" sang Five while Sloane And Luther danced

"So, just to recap this night" said Sloane

"Five is blotto drunk" said Sloane making Luther chuckle "and Viktor and Allison almost punched each other out"

"And dad recited a weirdly movie death poem" said Sloane chuckling "oh and almost forgot y/n and Ben kissed"

"What?" Said Luther shocked

"They kissed you didn't saw it?"

"No, too bad I've been wanting to see them kiss since we were kids" said Luther chuckling

"Hm you know, that's not bad for a Hargreeves family wedding at the end of the world" said Luther

After a lot of dancing, all of you except for Ben and Klaus went outside looking at the sky while drinking

"Hey guys" said Luther happily sitting down with Sloane

"Oh no no no no no!" Shouted Diego when Ben and Klaus started walking towards the rest of you

"Klaus why are you bringing Ben here?" Said Drunk Five

"Hear me out" said Klaus

"Hear him out" said y/n making everyone look at her with a 'are you serious' look

"The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone and not- I don't mean our Ben the nice Ben I mean this Ben" said Klaus pointing at Ben

"The asshole, he's gone now" said Klaus

"Gone" said Ben

"Klaus what are you talking about?" Said Luther

"And the man that stands in front of you is new new Ben and he's one of us and he's a member of the team and he's part of the family" said Klaus

"Part of the family" said Ben clearly drunk

"And as a welcome gift I suggest we throw him off the roof" said Five making you hit him at the back of his head

"Yeah I'll help" said Diego

"Come on" said Klaus

"You know what, You know what he can stay" said Luther

"Why?" Asked Diego

"Cause it's my wedding day man and him and y/n looks like they got a thing going on" said Luther

"What?! You and Ben? Are you serious?" said Five and he's kind of looks like he's proud?

"Holy shit after all those years you finally admitted your feelings to Ben im proud of you!" Shouted Diego smiling like an idiot

"Aww that's so sweet" said Lila

"Hey you" said Diego pointing at Ben "don't break y/n's heart okay if you did I'll throw you off the roof" said Diego

"Yeah I'll help" said Five and Viktor

"Thank you guys" said y/n

Ben then finally sat next to you putting your head on his shoulder
Kissing your forehead before focusing his gaze on the sky and so did the rest of you


So sorry guys if I upload slowly but as I promise I'll continue the fanfic! - author

718 words

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