31:Friday Night Football

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Chapter 31

Friday Night Football

I was in my best Friday night football (picture attached) outfit with Austin's letterman jacket on. which I forced him to let me have and he ain't getting it back. I was sitting on the bleachers with Gracie and some of our other friends. our school colors were green, black, and white which are our school colors. so I guess they aren't that bad. and I love the color black so that makes it perfect. one year we had to wear a school colors to school for some weird school spirit week thing. but the teachers called up the ones with most school spirit for the week. and all the goth kids were called up because they "wore our schools colors all the time". they were all named "school spirit royalty" and were forced to wear crowns for like 3 months to school everyday.

the boys, Brad, and Stephanie were only gone a few days and they were back. Stephanie was still very upset and depressed about loosing her mom. I have avoided her for a few days because I really can't deal with another person dying. anyway, it's football night so everyone was pumped.

"oh my gosh. high school cheer is a joke," Gracie says watching the cheerleaders warm up. don't get me wrong we love cheer and we have cheered together at the school before. but when we wanted to get serious we dropped school cheer and stuck with competitive cheer. it was a bigger commitment but you learned so much more.

"you're so right. hell you, me, and kalyn could do that in 2nd grade!" I say watching the simple stunt the were warming up.

"you're right, tiny," she says, "holy shit it's cold."

"I know right we're fucked," I say.

just then kalyn comes running up the bleachers with 3 huge soft cuddly blankets.

"sorry I am late!!" she says.

"damn you are an angel!!!" I say.

"you know you love me!! and my charge is only a free Starbucks on Monday," kalyn says with a wink.

"deal!" Gracie and I both say.

we always get there like an hour early to watch the guys warm up and everything. we talk while the guys get taped and stretched.

"hey Ryan us think you'll be a trainer next year?" Gracie asks looking at catherine.

I had been a trainer last year and I was going to this year but couldn't bear it. my dad came to every football came and yelled and encouraged the players. the games reminded me too much of him and I couldn't.

"umm ya know what? I think I will," I say after pondering the question.

"it looks like the guys really miss ya. look at Catherine trying to tape up Mickey's foot," kalyn says.

she was doing it completely wrong and she's using too much tape. next thing I know is I see Edgar running up the stands towards us.

"hey Ryan will you come tape Mikey's foot? he's freaking out cuz it's the biggest game of the season and shelly's not here to tape it and Catherine sucks and his throwing a fit. you know how he gets before games," he says.

"ya sure whatever," I say and follow him back down. we walk down I start to see Mikey relax and some of the other guys also.

"hey Catherine, if you don't mind Ryan is going to finish taping," Mikey says.

"o-okay," she says.

she never really could talk to guys she was always bad at it. I don't know why. once she walked off Mikey calms down all the way.

"thank you so much Ryan. she really sucks at taping," he says.

"hey don't be rude," I say bending down to start over and tape his foot.

"oh hey Ryan! what are you doing here?" Jennifer asks. she was the trainer's assistant for Jacob, our head trainer.

"oh I just came to came to tape mr. prissy pants's foot," I say my voice filled with sarcasm.

"shut up Ryan!!" Mikey snaps.

"is that tight enough?" I ask.


"Ryan please come back," Jacob says.

"aww hey!!" I say. when I finish taping Mikey's foot, I run and hug him. he's like a giant teddy bear.

"hey Ryan can you tape my wrist?" Caleb asks, who is one really hot senior.

"sure," I say.

"lookin pretty badass tonight I see," he says. I giggle in response, "and we have all missed you," he says.

"I have missed you guys!" I say,"there ya go."

"thanks!" he says and hugs me.

"hey what are you doing over here?" a voice asks. I turn around to face Austin.

"oh hey!!" I say and give him a hug with a quick kiss on the cheek,"I was taping baby Mikey's foot." I say in a baby voice.

"I heard that!" Mikey smarts off.

"you were supposed to dumbass!" I say an everyone laughs. we talk some more and Jennifer asks me to help her with some stuff before the game starts. you see, tonight's game is against our biggest rivals-the bullfrogs. their really good and they have only bet us like 10 times in the last 20 years. so this game is always a big deal. and it's a really intense rivalry because they had never bet us up until about 20 years ago.

the announcer comes on over the speaker and starts to announce the shit where they give info on all the players, coaches, cheerleaders, and trainers. the announcer for our school is our really weird chem teacher, Mr. Dolton. who wishes he could coach but the school always says no because of the rally a few years back. he got way to excited and accidentally punched another teacher. it was so funny! and someone got it on video an posted it on YouTube and it go over like 25 million views.

"our head trainer Jacob Green and his amazing trainers-Catherine Gills, Jennifer Tyson, and...Ryan Sanders!!" Mr. Dolton says.

I turn around and look at him and he gives me a thumbs up. I laugh and shake my head, while turning around.

"well since Mr. Dolton says you're a trainer you're a trainer now!!" Jacob says. Jennifer agrees and laughs.

"okay tonight has made me realize that I miss being a trainer and if you would let me I would love to be one again," I say.

"well but of course!!" he says and I hug him.

the game was really intense we were neck and neck the entire game and we eventually pulled out the win.

I was walking to my car alone, sadly, after the game because Gracie went home with jake back to her house since her parents weren't home. I was going to wait for the rest of the boys and Austin and we were going to meet up with some of the team for fro yo.

as I walked I couldn't get rid of the dopy, goofy, smiley grin on my face. the smile hadn't left my face since after Austin scored the winning touchdown at the game and he came running right of the field to kiss me, pick me up, and spin me around.

"I know that smile, oh that smile," a voice says pulling me out of my thoughts.

I look up to come face to face with Duke.

"how are you darling?" he asks.

"um.. I really need to get going.." I say trying to walk around him but I was punched square in the nose.

"stay away from Austin or next time he will be getting a lot worse then what I have done to you," he threatens. with his words it cuts through the air like one of those swords that are so sharp to can cut a feather in half just by it floating and gently hitting the sword.

I instantly start crying as he stalks off. I got my phone out and texted Austin that I can't go out and I had to go home.


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