20:Cheering Again

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Chapter 20

Cheering Again

I woke up to my alarm and saw that I was going to be late for school. I walk to my closet. I pull out a pair of ripped, high-waisted jeans with studs on the butt pockets, a floral strapless top, and hot pink vans. I walk into the bathroom and put on mascara, pink lipstick, and some foundation on my bump that I got from the lovely Chassandra. (N/A: note the sarcasm)

I grab my backpack and run downstairs. I get my phone, keys, and purse. I drive to school and run to my locker. I pull my books out and walk to my first hour. it was boring and uneventful.

at lunch I sat with Austin, Kayln, Mikey, Gracie, Jake, and a few of my other friends. I hear a buzz and I fish for my phone out of my back pocket.

hi sweetie I need you right after school today. -Stephanie

I text back a quick okay and get on with eating lunch. I laugh with my friends the rest of lunch. I throw my trash away and literally skip to my next class. it is community class, where we help the community. we plant plants in front of the school or go to an elder home and play bingo. it's also my second favorite class if the day. but I only have that class on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays and today is Tuesday so I have art.

I walk in and get to work on my current project

"okay today class we will be sketching in your notebooks today," my art teacher, Mrs. Donport, says.

I pull my sketch book out and walk around the room for inspiration. I look outside and see a butterfly fly onto a flower. I sketch the flower out and then the butterfly. I don't like it but with 2 minutes left in class I really can't sketch anything else.

"turn your sketches in and you can go!" Mrs. Donport says.

I hand mine to her and thank her. I walk to my locker and take out my folder for my community class. my phone rings and I answer it while I walk across the campus. I pull my phone out and look at the caller id. stephanie.

"hey Stephanie!" I say.

"hey!! so I was going to tell you this after school but I couldn't wait!!" she says her voice filled with excitement.


"you start cheer tonight!" she says.

"one moment please," I say and I put the phone to my chest. I scream as loud as I can and jump up and down.

"um, are you serious?" I ask.

"yes quite!!" she says,"I have to go I will see you later." then she hangs up.

I end the call and feel a presence behind me. and by his cheap ass Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. I know who it is. Gavin Reed. tanner reeds older much hotter twin brother.

"god, what do you want?" I ask turning around.

"well I want you and this is the only time your lap dog Austin isn't with you so.." he says with a smirk.

"oh that's rich. cause the whore and her little club isn't here so where are they anyway?" I say.

"hey me and Chassandra aren't fuck buddies anymore," he says.

"ya cause you found out she an STD," I say with a chuckle.

"that was just a rumor!!" he yells. I love making him mad. it is just hilarious.

"well I would love to chat some more but I need to get to class," I say with sarcasm emitting off every word. I turn on my heel and quickly run to Mrs. Roseanne's door.

"early again I see," she says.

"yes ma'am as always," I say.

her class went by quickly. I ran to my locker after class let out and grabbed my homework. I rushed to the car. I drive home and change into my purple and white striped spankx, my matching purple sports bra, and cheer shoes. I through my hair into a messy high ponytail and run downstairs.

I rush stephanie to her car. we drive to my gym and I literally fly into the door. I walk past the front desk.

"hey Stacy," I say.

"hey Ryan," she says,"wait Ryan!!! get your ass back here!!"

I smile and run behind the desk to hug her. she hugs me back.

"since when did you come back?" she asks.

"my adoptive mom signed me up. do you think Ryan will let me on the team even in the middle of the season?" I ask,"oh this is my adoptive mom Stephanie, Stephanie this is Stacy, the mother hen of this place."

"nice to meet you! hell ya, between you and me the replacement flyer for you sucks," she says. I laugh.

"I better go get stretching and are they using the old routine still?" I ask.

"yes ma'am they are," she replies.

I walk into the gym and stretch. I practice the dance again and again. I practice my tumbling and do it again and again. until I hear Ryan.

"well I see we are getting in extra practice," he says. I turn around and run to give him a hug.

"I have missed my family," I say.

"we have missed you and honey you got your spot on your team so don't start worrying," he says with a chuckle.

"alright RJ I need you to spot me," I say. I nicknamed Ryan RJ since it's confusing with two Ryan's. now everyone calls him RJ. he is 22 and a cheerleader. he is my favorite coach and he and I have a brother sister relationship.

other girls on my team start pouring in and all of them are happy to see me. they hug me and we take pictures together until practice starts.


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