11:Braceface and Four-Eyes

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Chapter 11

Braceface and Four-Eyes

I sit staring at the letters on the wall. dr. Kennedy was still talking to her assistant. I get on my phone and take a before selfie as four-eyes and braceface. ya I am called four-eyes and braceface. no one knows that I am teased and no one knows that I getting my braces.

finally she finally came back. Stacy, the dumb as a pole of a assistant took me into a room. I wait for an old lady to show me something.

"okay you are going to start contacts," the old lady says.

"okay," I say.

"here are the contacts," she says.

I only nod in response. she was quite rude in my humble opinion. I have no problem putting the contacts in and get them in on the first try. she tells me some other stuff and I leave. on the way home my starts ringing.

"hello?" I answer.

"I am going to kill you!!!" Kalyn screams.


"because you almost forgot about our dress shopping trip!"

"and how do you know that?"

"because you haven't called telling me how excited you are!!"

"oh ya well I have been busy..."

"well you better grow a pair and ask Stephanie if you're allowed to buy a dress. bye!!" she says and hangs up.

the truth was I was a freaked out to ask Stephanie if I could buy a dress. I know they are filthy rich but I am worried. I will ask her when I get home but I need a coffee right now.

I pull up to Starbucks and park. I leave my sun glasses on because I don't want anyone to recognize me. I walk in and order my usual and wait for my name to be called.


I walk up to the bar and grab my drink. I walk to my car and drive home. I park in the garage and grab my keys and purse and walk in the house.

"Stephanie!" I call.

"I am in the kitchen!" she calls back. I walk to the kitchen and take a deep breath.

"hey," I say sipping my coffee. she looks up and I flash a new pearly white brace less smile.

"oh honey!! my don't you look gorgeous!!" she explains and gives me a hug.

"thank you!" I say,"I have two questions for you."

"okay shoot."

"so are the boys coming to my school?"

"yes they just got notification back from the school yesterday."

"cool, can I go dress shopping with my friends for the back-to-school masquerade ball?"

"of course!!!" she says,"now I have to drag the boys tuxedo shopping."

she goes off into her own world. I finish my coffee and throw it away. I leave and walk up stairs to change. I look through my closet. I pick out my favorite pink crop top and white washed cut off jean shorts. I plug in the flat iron and turn it on. I flat iron my hair and brush my hair out. I then apply eyeliner, a light gold eyeshadow, mascara, and pink lipstick. I grab my gold gladiator sandals and slip them one. I look in the mirror one more time.

I hear a loud honk and know it's Kalyn and Gracie.

"BYE STEPHANIE!!!!" I yell and run out the door so fast no one saw me. I look to the car and smile. Kalyn's and Gracie's mouths drop.

"WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING US?!?!?" they both scream. I climb in the middle of Kalyn's huge truck since I am the smallest.

"I just got them off like 2 hours ago calm down," I say.

"you look so pretty!!" Gracie says.

"selfie ti-" Kalyn starts.

"NO!!! no one from school can know!" I say.


"because I don't want anyone to recognize me at the ball so guys will actually want to dance with me," I say.

"fine," they grumble. Kalyn starts the truck and we are off.

"we have to pick up anna," Kalyn states.

"okay," I say.


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