1:New Beginnings

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Chapter 1

New Beginnings


when I got dressed this morning I took my time. I spent extra time on combing my long blonde hair. I took my time with my waterproof mascara. I put my lace black dress on and my black flats. I hear the doorbell and know its Tyler, my best friend. I open the door and stare up at him. his 6'5 and I am only 5'1 and a half. he looks so mature in his suit. tears are already in my eyes.

"don't cry," he says.

"where's gracie and kalyn?" I ask.

"in the car waiting for you," he says.

I nod and follow him to the car. I open the car door and Tyler's girlfriend, Kendall. I give Tyler a look and he gives me an apologetic look.

"I am not moving for you," she says.

"fine," I say. I climb in the back with kalyn and gracie who make me laugh. I almost forgot about what's going on. then we got to the cemetery.

"we are all right here," kalyn whispers.

I nod and walk to the graves. then I stand in front of 5 graves. 5 dead bodies. 5 dead family members. I walk to Annabelle's grave and through a handful in her grave. I do the same for Rose's and Lauren's graves also while crying my eyes out. I get to my parents graves and lose it. I fall to the ground in tears. Tyler, my best friend, comes and picks me and takes me away. I cry and cry and cry into his shoulder.

"shhhh...Ryan it's okay," Tyler coaxes me,"it's just me."

I look him in the eyes.

"your girlfriend probably hates me," I say with a laugh.

"she understands," Tyler says. he is like my brother and I love him.

"can we go home?" I ask with a sniffle.

"yes, let me go get Gracie and Kalyn," he says. I nod. he comes back with my friends and we go to my old house an pack up the last of my things. we take them to they car. I don't take any furniture. I hug gracie, Kalyn and Tyler goodbye and I get into the car that my adopted parents sent for me.


when I get to my new house my mouth drops. it's huge!! these people are rich!!! I grab my bags and I walk up to the door. I knock and wait. a slender women with dark hair that comes to her shoulders answers the door.

"Ryan!! my have you grown!!" she exclaims. she hugs me an I hug her back.

"hi," I say.

"brad!!! help me get her bags!!!" she says,"my name is Stephanie."

they help me with my bags and show me my room.

"we will let you get settled," Stephanie says.

"okay," I say. they leave and I start to decorate my room. I put up my lights, pictures, and ect.

then I hear a lot of noise downstairs. I walk down stairs,

"Stephanie what was th-" I froze I am met with six pairs of eyes. "hello," I say awkwardly.

"mom there's a random girl in our house!!" one of them yells.

"what?!?" I hear.

"oh boys this is Ryan! we adopted her because her family...." she trails off,"Ryan this is Liam, Toby, Sawyer, Riley, Carson, and Jake, my boys."

"nice to meet y'all," I say my Oklahoma accent becoming super noticeable. my cheeks turn pink.

"Riley and Carson are twins and they both play soccer. Toby plays baseball, Liam swims, Jake plays basketball, and Sawyer plays football," Stephanie says.

"that's cool, I cheer. what school are you guys go to?" I ask.

"oh ya about that..." Liam starts.

"what did you do?!" Stephanie demands.

"we might have put frogs in the lunch room and in the girls lockers," Liam says,"they said we can finish the year but we can't go there next year."

"that's it!!! their going to military school next year!!!" brad yells.

"wait!!! they can go to Ryan's school next year!!!" Stephanie says.

"oh," I say.

"Ryan would that be okay?" Stephanie asks.

"of course but we are out for Christmas break," I say.

"perfect! I will call the school tomorrow," she says. I nod and go back upstairs.

I finish decorating and I go downstairs to get my boxes of clothes. I try to lift one and fall on my butt.

"ow!!" I shout.

"what's wrong?" Riley and Carson ask at the same time. I look up and see the twins staring down at me.

"oh...my boxes are too heavy," I say.

"why didn't you say so?" Carson says. they both pick up the boxes and take them up to my room.

I follow them.

"thank you," I call after them. when I get to my room they are looking at all my pictures on the walls.

"haha is the dude you boyfriend?" riley teases pointing to a picture of Tyler.

"no he's my friend he has a girlfriend," I say.

"oh," he says. I start to open my closet door when I look out the window and see a familiar face.

"oh crap!!" I say and duck.

"what?" Carson asks.

"your neighbor, Katelyn, she hates me! if she sees me she will make my home life a living hell. she's already made school a living hell!!!" I exclaim.

"come with us," riley says.

"no!" I say. they pick me up and carry me down stairs. "no!!!" I scream. they take out of the house and over to katelyns house.

katelyn looks up and see the boys. she smiles and then she sees me in their arms.

she narrows her eyes and says,"what are you doing here?"

"I-I umm..." I sputter.

"she is our new adopted sister," Carson says.

"oh," she says,"how are you boys? where's the rest of the mark boys?"

"Toby's at practice and I don't know what Jake, Liam, and Sawyer are doing," Carson replies.

"well tell that sawyer to call me if he wants a good time I am just next door," katelyn says with a smug face.

"GROSS!!" I scream.

"SHUT UP UGLY ASS!!!" she screams.

"why are you calling Ryan 'ugly ass'?" Sawyer asks popping up out of nowhere.

"umm.." she sputters.

"ya that's what I thought!! so go away!!" he screams at her. she runs inside and slams the door.

"y'all care about me?" I ask. they look at me and nod.

"oh," I say.


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