28:What To Do?

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Chapter 28

What To Do?

I wake up in the middle of the night and get up to pee. when I see my reflection my blood runs cold. a huge black eye was forming and so were bruises all along my arms. could this get any worse? I walk back to my bed and stare at the ceiling until my alarm goes off.

Kalyn's POV

"Gracie I swear something is up!" I argue into the phone.

"should I wear the cute chiffon top I got at Lucca?" Gracie asks.

"Gracie!!! FOCUS!! Ryan has been acting really weird lately!!" I say,"and she is dating Duke again. we all know what happened last time she dated Duke."


"Ryan c'mon you need to try these new gummy bears!!" I say.

"no thanks I ate... a big lunch..." she mumbles.

"you hardly ate anything for lunch!!" Gracie shouts from the kitchen.

"Ryan why are lying to me?" I ask.

"because I am just not that hungry!!" she says getting upset.

"Ryan why aren't you eating? who isn't letting you eat?" I ask.

"umm..." Ryan stutters and then suddenly brakes down,"Duke doesn't like me eating junk food or any food for that matter. he wants me to remain the perfect figure."

"Ryan that's not okay," Gracie says.

"I know, I know but I love him," she says through the tears.

end of flashback

"think-when did she start acting weird?," Gracie says.

"well I think it started when she and Duke got back together again," I say.

"you're right!! but I have to go jake is taking me on a date," she says. I literally can feel the goofy smile on her face.

"whatever," I laugh,"see ya."

Ryan's POV

"Duke please stop," I say. he is currently trying to give me 500 hickeys,"DUKE STOP!!"

"who do you think you are telling me to stop?!" he yells.

"I am sorry but I have to go to cheer," I say avoiding eye contact.

"okay I will see you later then," he says,"I have some business to take care of anyway. you won't see me til Sunday."

"what do you-" I start.

"you should know by now to never ask me about my work," he says and walks out the door. he gets in his truck and leaves.

I grab my uniform and hope in the car to race to cheer. we have to get spray rans today and our showing is today so it is crazy.

when I get there I am first in line for my spray tan. even though I am fairly dark year round they still want us to get a spray to make it look even. we dry off and we start on hair. I start to tease Teagan's hair, then I do like every other girls hair on the team. I finally get to do my hair. when I am done I work on my makeup and finish with time to spare. I play on my phone and wait for RJ to call for practice.

"C'MON GIRLS!" he shouts.

we all get up and line up into our starting positions. the music starts and adenine is pumping through my body. my nerves are on edge, my stomach churns, and my breath gets shorter. I hit each pose hard and make my facials even bigger.

I love performing. it was like my drug, it made me focus on doing my best and showing off what I can do. it made me forget all the problems that I was having and I could forget about it all. I didn't have choice: I had to put all my focus into performing. the only thing that is pushing me is pure passion. all my problems would leave my head and I would have a clear mind.

the stunts were next and I was ready. Teagan, Gracelyn, Maddie and Kat push me into the air and my facials are huge. finally, they throw me up into the air and I am air born. I feel so alive.

the music ends and all of our breaths are heavy. we are all smiling. we all know that, that performance was our best ever.

"that was the best you have ever performed!" RJ says. I smile at his comment and pull Teagan into a big hug.

"you did great!!" I say to Teagan.

"so did you!!" she says back.

"okay the floor is not ours anymore so come on off girls!" RJ yells at us.

we leave the floor and go and get a drink. soon after that parents and families and friends start to pile in.


I wrote another book called 'freeze frame' and it would be super cool if you guys went and checked it out!! I won't be here today with this book without y'all! so thanks and I love you guys!!!:))

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