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Chapter 4


"heyyyyyy kalyn!!!!" I say.

"hey! tell me everything!!" she says.

"okay let's add gracie though," I say.

"k," she says while I add gracie.

"yo," gracie says.

"okay so their names are Stephanie and Brad Marks. I don't know much about them but they have SIX BOYS!!!!!" I say both of their moithes drop,"the boys names are Sawyer, Jake, Toby, Liam, Riley, and Carson. They are all the same age meaning 17. they are really annoying and today the got kicked out of school so guess where they are going?"

"WHERE?!?!?!" they scream.

"our school," I say.

"REALLY?!?!" they say. I nod.

"I am looking them up on google," kalyn says.

"I got twitter and vine," gracie says.

"I got instagram," I say,"wait I will be right back."

they don't answer because they are in stalking mode. I walk to the game room and see the boys.

"hey, can I have your numbers, instagrams, and the other stuff?" I ask. they look up and they get in a line, Liam, Carson, Jake, Riley, Toby, then Sawyer. they give their numbers, instagrams, facebooks, snapchats, twitters, and vines.

"thanks guys!!" I say,"hey do you want to meet two of my friends?"

"are they hot?" toby asks.

"umm... they both have boyfriends," I say.

"we will meet them," riley says. they follow me to my room and start stalking my pictures and closet.

"kalyn, gracie! this is Riley, Carson, sawyer, jake, Toby, and liam," I say.

"hey guys!" they say.

"heard your going to our school," Gracie states. crap, now they know I was talking about them, I think. I give Gracie the look.

"you talking about us sweetheart?" jake asks me.

"no, they were asking about you," I say.

"you should know this now, when she lies she cant look you in the eyes and her cheeks get red," Kalyn says.

"wow thanks dum dum," I say.

"your welcome stupid," she says. Gracie Kalyn and I all laugh at our inside joke and the boys give us weird looks.

"on new years are we still going to johns party?" I ask.

"wait who's John?" sawyer asks.

"he's a guy at my school," I say.

"and your going alone to his party?" sawyer asks raising an eyebrow.

"no I am going with Gracie Karyn and Tyler," I say.

"I am coming with you," he says.

"you weren't invited," I say.

"Tyler's bringing Kendall," Kalyn says

"god, I hate him with her!! he needs to get together with Alison," I say,"they would be adorable together!!"

"I thought you and Tyler were dating," Sawyer says.

"ew!!! me and Tyler dating?!?!" I laugh so hard. Gracie and Kalyn also start laughing.

"I have to go," I say. we exchange good byes and the boys leave. minutes later my phone starts blowing up. the boys were spamming me on instagram, Facebook, twitter, and vine. and snapping and texting me stupid stuff. I plug in my phone and fall asleep.


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