16:That Boy With The Brown Eyes

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Chapter 16

That Boy With The Brown Eyes

I sit in the limo and make small talk. soon we get to the school and everyone puts their masks on and get out. I somehow get spilt up from everyone. I instantly feel self-conscious. a very cute boy comes up to me and asks me to dance. we dance and I tell him that I have to go find my friends. I recognize him when I am walking off, his is name Brandon. he is a sweetheart and I love him as a friend. I walk to the snack table to get a snack and run into a hard body and fall on my butt.

"oh my god!! I am so sorry!!" I say.

"it's fine, but I really should be the one apologizing. you fell to the floor," a deep voice says. I look up and I am meet with chocolate brown eyes staring at me. his huge hand offers to help me up. I gladly accept. he has the old Bieber look. but it looks a lot hotter on him. his dirty blonde hair swooshes to the side. his mask is gold and makes his brown eyes more noticeable. I stand up and I look at him he is about 6'8" or 6'9". so he towers over me, even in heels.

I didn't recognize him. he must be new or I have never noticed him before, I tell myself. my thoughts were interrupted by his words.

"wanna dance?" he questions.

"sure," I say and he flashes me a perfectly white smile.

we walk to the dance floor. people move and make a pathway, like in the movies. we dance and dance. until the dj makes an announcement.

"okay!! everyone take your masks off!!" he says.

the mystery man pulls his mask off and smiles down at me. oh shit. is all I can think.

"hey I am Caden," Caden says and my mouth falls open. let me give you some background on him. we have never talked before. he is the bad boy of the school. every girl drooling over him. he has an ego the size of Texas and the looks to match. he plays with girls and throws them away like last week's leftovers. he is a sexist and a total pig. he is a genius. smartest in the class. I would be smartest in the class if I didn't suck at chem, earth science, and algebra. he lives to make a girl feel special then toss her to the side. I can't believe I didn't recognize him!!!

"umm are you going to take your mask off?" he asks. hell no! I think.

"umm..." I mumble.

"okay masks back on and time for a slow dance!" the dj announces.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I lie and speed walk away.

I find shelter in the back of the room. a figure stands there and comes towards me. he was tall and lean. you could tell even through his suit you could see the muscles. he also had brown eyes like Caden. he wears a black mask making him mysterious.

"hey," I say,"what are you doing back here?"

"I don't have anyone to dance with," he replies.

"well now you do!" I say and grab his hands and lead him on the dance floor. he smirks at me and allows me to lead him.

white walls by Macklemore came on. I swing my hips seductively. he looks me up and down and puts his hands on my hips. we move in sync and I love it. he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the gym and into the halls of our school.

"I need to know who you are! please take your mask off!!" he pleads.

"okay," I say and pull my mask off. I look at the ground for a minute and then look up to see Tanner Read staring down at me. my eyes widen and my mouth falls open.

"Ryan Sanders?" he asks.

"ya... it's me," I say. I have had a crush on Tanner Read since third grade. with his perfectly tanned sick and perfect teeth. he is the star of our school. he is the quarterback on the school football team. he also plays with girls like toys. he is also best friends with Caden.

"I can't believe that is you," he says,"you look gorgeous."

"thanks," I say. then he just kisses me. I push him off and start to walk away but he won't let me.

"Tanner?" a voice says. I pull away and see Caden standing there.

"what is so important?" Tanner says dripping with sarcasm.

"Ryan? Ryan Sanders?" Caden asks me.

"ya..." I mumble and walk away from Tanner.

"I danced with you didn't I?" he says. I nod and walk into the gym. everyone stares at me. I am confused at first but then relies that I don't have my mask on. everyone recognizes me. I walk to my friends and we dance the night away.


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