35:Trying To Fall InLove Again

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Chapter 35

Trying To Fall InLove Again

"GRACIE!! KALYN!!!!" I scream I hear the scurrying up the stairs.

"Gracie and Jake are going on some fancy date tonight so it's just me," kalyn says when she comes in,"Austin invited you on a date didn't he?"

I blush and say,"how did you know?"

"well you were already blushing when I came in."

"I need an outfit."

"leave it to me!!" she answers with a wink. she rushes to my closet and finds an outfit.

"you look great in this." and it's shoved in my hands.

I put it on and look in the mirror (pic of outfit to the side). I look hot, I think.

"makeup and hair!"

I sit in front of my vanity and she gets to work. she curls my hair into loose elegant curls at the end. she does a simple cat eye and mascara for makeup with a mac's Scarlette express on my lips. she turns me and in the full mirror and stands behind me with her arms on my shoulders.

"Austin's going to get a boner just by looking at you," she says.

"shut up would ya?!" I say blushing,"I never remember blushing so much.."

"that's because your heart is telling you something but your head won't listen," she says.

"kalyn in all honestly where do you see me and Austin going if I can't remember..." I say.

"to be completely honest...that boy isn't going anywhere he is going to stay by you and won't care if you never remember. he truly loves you. he loves you like Edward loves Bella or Caleb loves Hanna or Ezra loves Aria or Rachel and Finn. he loves you so much that you don't even know. I see it in that boy's eyes. and Mikey tells me all the time in the locker room or when their talking he can tell he is always thinking about you...that boy is whipped and before you lost your memory you were just as whipped as he was and its like your heart never forgot just your head," she says.

I was now crying because I wanted to remember and love him like I used to.

"don't cry you will make your makeup run," she says.

ding dong

"oh hey Austin," someone says.

"he's here!" I say.

"oh my goodness! you are nervous! you like him!!!" kalyn says.

"whatever I need to get to Austin!" I say running down the stairs and tripping over my feet on the last step. I fall straight to Austin's arms.

"I am sorry!" I say.

"n-n-no pr-problem," he sputters and just stares. and I start to stare at how he biceps flexed and how hot he looked in that tux.

"are we ready to go?" I ask.

"yes we are. and I love that necklace.... you might not remember but I got it for you after the night we meet," he says and walks me out side I look up to see what we are riding in and just stop.

"no. freaking. way.!!!!!! you did not?!!!!" I say,"how did you know?!!"
in front of me was the beginning of my dream date. it was a horse and carriage with the carriage looking like cinderella's carriage. and to top it all off both of the horses were white.

"kalyn told me," he says.

"oh my gosh no one has ever cared enough to do this for me. I can't believe this... thank you," I say.

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