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Two words.

That's all it took to change things for me. Two words at one of the most prestigious veterinary institutions in the country.

"You're hired."

I shook the interviewers' hand, anxious that my palms would be sweaty. I had a grin on my face, and I was no doubt glowing. This was an amazing opportunity, especially considering that the only exprience I had was volunteer work.

Why then, was the first thought in my head, to tell my man about it?

Yes, we had been living together for three months now. Yes, he used to be extremely important to me. And yes, I still loved him.

Why not my friends though, who helped my study and pitched in to put me through school. Why not my favourite professor who organized this interview. Why not people who actually gave a damn?

None of this occurred to me as I called him up. Barely out of the building, my hands practically shaking.

"Baby, is something up?"

"I got the job!"

"Oh, what? Thats great honey."

"Yeah are you busy later? Let's go out to celebrate."

"Uhm, yeah sure okay. Let me push some things around and I'll call you back."

"If you're busy then its no problem."

"No. No, this is important to you so I'll be there."

"Are you sure?"

"Wear something red, I'll meet you at Juliario's at eight sharp."

Joy bubbled forth from my lips in the form of laughter.

"Bye honey."

"Bye Baby."

Toning my excitement down, I headed back home to find something to wear. Today was shaping up to be better than I expected. I got a job, and my husband was making an effort to be around a bit more.

It felt a bit surreal.

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