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Iwaizumi sat alone at the table, staring off into space, his mind far away from his physical body.

What was he thinking about?

It could've been anything, really. His eyes were empty but anyone could see the dark rings etched into the surrounding skin, signifying the loss of hours of sleep. The rest of his face was no better, expression empty and his usual tan was a plastered pale.

Onlookers wouldn't think much. But to those who know him—

A figure suddenly popped up right next to his head, booming, "IWAIZUMI!"

Iwaizumi blinked, taken aback by who would proclaim his name so loudly in a public place.

He turned to face the culprit, only to see a beaming Bokuto and a frowning Akaashi.

"Iwaizumi!" exclaimed Bokuto. The guy pulled out a chair from across him and gestured for Akaashi to sit down next to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was.." Iwaizumi scratched his head, debating as to whether he should tell the two the truth.

Akaashi peered at him and then noticed two cups of coffee on the table. One was dark while the other was a light brown with whipped cream on top. Both drinks were full and most likely cold.

"Are these both yours?" asked Akaashi, pointing at the two cups. He then pointed directly at the cup with whipped cream. "I didn't know you liked this stuff, Iwaizumi. Is this a white chocolate mocha?"

"Keiji, how'd you know what it was?" asked Bokuto, amazed. "You don't even like coffee."

Akaashi shrugged. "Oikawa ordered it all the time whenever we would go to a cafe." Then he paused and added. "Well. When we used to."

Neither of the two noticed Iwaizumi grimace at the mention of the name.

"This one's mine," said Iwaizumi, pointing at the cup with dark liquid. "The other one was.. my-uh..."He felt his face burn red, suddenly embarrassed as to why he was at the cafe.

Akaashi stared at him strangely. "It's your..?"

"My date's." Iwaizumi finished lamely. "She just left."

"Your date?" questioned Akaashi.

"SHE?!" exclaimed Bokuto.

Iwaizumi smiled stiffly. "Yes."

"B-b-but you're gay!" Bokuto sputtered, shock written all over his face. "Are you not anymore? Was it just a phase? Keiji—!"

"Koutarou, please calm down," ordered Akaashi, patting his boyfriend's back. "Let the guy talk." He gestured at Iwaizumi to explain himself.

Iwaizumi cleared his throat awkwardly, looking around to avoid Akaashi's curious eyes and Bokuto's burning questjon.

"Well. I just thought maybe I should give it try," he finally said. "I'm.. uh—bored and my sister says that it wouldn't hurt, and I'm really just doing this because I'm, well, bored, and um—"

He stopped talking, frustrated at his inability to even speak properly.

"So, you're going on dates because you're bored?" asked Akaashi.

"Yes," he answered tiredly. "Harumi thinks I'm becoming depressed and should get out of the house more."

"Oh." chorused the two.

The three of them didn't say anything. Instead, Iwaizumi felt the piercing stares of the two lovebirds and resisted the urge to squirm away.

"Are you okay, Iwaizumi?" Akaashi asked after a minute of silence. "You look pale."

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