Chapter Ten:

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Jerilyns POV

{2 weeks later}

It's great living with jack, I know most girls don't like living with guys because of privacy but I just feel at home with him and johnson.

I was getting ready for the day and just as I took my top of to change I heard a noise. I turn around only to see a sleeping jack on our bed. He is grinning, the little dumbass I know he's awake.

"Asshole I know your awake."

"So what if I am."

"We'll I can't do this while your asleep." I say kissing him, but quickly pulling away.

"You can do anything to me any time." He says winking.

"Your such a fuck boy I don't know how I stand you."

"I know but I'm your fuck boy." "So I've been meaning to ask you..."

"Oh God what."

"So who's Robbie?"

"I thought I told you, Robbie is the guy that took my virginity."

"We'll I needed to know. I'm glad your honest."

{one week later}

Jack G's POV

Jerilyn is in the bathroom doing her hair or something I'm laying on our bed. Someone is fucking blowing up her phone. It's getting on my last fucking nerve too. I really want to see who it is. So I decide to look, there are like 10 unread messages from... Robbie.

From Robbie:
Hey can we talk
From Robbie:
Plz ansewer me I still have feelings for u
From Robbie:
Plz Jerilyn I miss u so bad
From Robbie:
Plz ansewer me I still love u
From Robbie:
I want u back
I couldn't read anymore of those but I read there previous messages. Which the last ones were sent like 5 months ago before she moved to omaha. That makes me feel much better.

{later that day}

We're watching a movie with Johnson and his new girl, Jessie. Jerilyn is texting someone on her phone. O my god she just fucking giggled. I honestly don't know how I feel about this. Is she cheating on me with her ex boy friend?

{the next day}

The same thing has been going on none stop. I can't take it anymore.

"Jerilyn who are you texting." I said now totally pissed off.

"None of your business but my brother."

"Really, we'll then why was Robbie texting you 'I love you' and shit!"

"What the fuck jack! You read my texts!"

"I'm your BOYFRIEND and some dude was blowing up your phone with I love yous!"

"You still have no right!"

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CHEAT ON ME!" I said raising my voice.



She starts to put things in a bag

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting out of here, I'll stay with Bren but I can't stay here with someone who accuses me of doing something I didn't do." And with that she walks out the door.

{3 days later}

My phone buzzing woke me up.

Text Message From: Unknown
Hey it's Robbie i know u know who I am listen Jerilyn didn't cheat on u she never would. After I sent her all those messages she sent me one back that said "I have a bf now and I love him I'm sorry but were over" she called me and told me what went down with u to and I'm sorry but she's a great girl u can't let her go not like that

I can't waist any time I have to get her back. I did the first thing that came to mind, I grabbed my guitar and headed to her school.

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