Chapter Eleven:

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Jerilyn's POV
I've been staying with Bren for the past couple of days. It really sucks even though Bren is my best friend and I love him, I still have VERY strong feelings about jack. I'm actually to the point to were I even love him.

Today I'm at school. As boring as that is. I can't keep my mind of jack.

The bell that ends 4th period rings and we all rush out the door. As I pass the front of the school on my way to my next class, there's a boy standing there with a guitar. As I get closer to the boy I realize it's jack. I hear him strum to one of my favorite songs. I stop in front of him.

"Oh there she goes again, Every morning is the same, You walk by my house I wanna call out your name, I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing, You got me thinking what we could be 'caus, I keep craving craving you don't know it but it's true, Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you, This is the typical of love, can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever, in my dreams your with me, we'll be everything I want us to be, And from there who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time, oh maybe that's just me in my, imagination."

He makes a quick key change and starts to strum another shawn song.

"I know that we just met, and maybe this is dumb, but it feels like there was something, from the moment that we touched, caus it's alright it's alright, I wanna make you mine, the way your lightin up the room, caught the corner of my eye, we can sneak out the back door, we don't have to say goodbye, caus it's alright, it's alright, to waste time tonight, maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh baby, if this is what it's like falling in love, then I don't ever wanna grow up, maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh maybe I'm just a kid in love, oh baby, I'd be cool if it's the two of us, but I don't ever wanna grow up.

And if this is what it takes, then let me the one to bear the pain, oh if this is what it takes, I'll break these walls that are in our way, if this is what it takes."

"Jerilyn I'm so sorry I doubted you. I know you didn't cheat. I love you."

"I love you too." I said hugging and kissing him.

"Jack, jerilyn. My office. Now." The principal says from behind us.

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