Chapter 15 Don't Belong Here

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The next day in Ottawa, about two hours before the Chicago Blackhawks left the city, Antti decided to go to the NHL HQs to meet with this 'Tommy Gorman' dude.
He walked through the sliding glass into the lobby where he was greeted by a receptionist.
"Hello, how may I help you," she asked him.
"Oh, um, I'll like to see Tommy Gorman, please," Antti told her.
"Tommy...Gorman?" She made an odd look. "Uhhh...I don't know no Tommy Gorman...."
"But I was told he was here--"
"Sorry, but he doesn't pop up in our list. But is there anything else I could help you with?"
"No, no, that's okay..." Antti slowly walked out of the building. I swear, Brian told me that Gorman was in the NHL headquarter...but he also said that no one knows him... Oh my, I gotta find another way to get in there....
He walked around the building until he found a door that lead inside. Perfect!
Antti walked inside and got into a nearby elevator alone. This is nice...all alone. He pressed the 'close door' button and the '2' button. The elevator did close, but did not move. Huh, that's weird, why isn't it moving? He pressed the '2' button again, but the elevator did not budge. Aiy, gosh. Antti decided to just go back to his team, so he pressed the 'open door' button.
But the door did not open.
Antti groaned. You gotta be kidding me.
Suddenly, the elevator's lights turned off and the edges of the wall, floor, and ceiling glowed neon blue.
What is going--?
The elevator creaked a bit with a SNAP!, it plummeted with quick speed like a drop from a roller coaster; Antti screamed like never before.
About thirty seconds later of pure terror, the elevator hit rock bottom (literally) and abruptly stopped.
Antti was already on the ground as the lights went back to normal. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Oh my... He got up slowly, holding onto the rail, and fixed his hair, which was sticking up. With a sigh, he walked out of the elevator, clumsily.
He stumbled into a big room that was made out of smooth, grayish/brownish concrete. On the left side was a spiraling stair case that lead to a wooden door that was pretty close to the roof. There was a window that was right next to the door, that gave only the left side of the room sunlight, since there was a wall that sepereated most of the room into two.
On the right side were no windows, so the only lighting were a few lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. There was a orange sofa with orange and green patches with its back parallel to the wall and a brown coffee table in front of it. Next to the sofa was a huge computer screen that covered the whole wall that was facing Antti.
Typing on the computer was a blue hologram-like figure that he was able to see through easily.
"Hello?" Antti called out.
The figure turned around; it was a man. "Oh, hello there. Come on in."
Antti shuffled into the right side of the room. "Where am I? I'm kinda confused."
"Oh, no need to be confused--you're in the NHL Basement!" The man flashed Antti a huge grin.
"NHL Basement..." Antti made a confused look. "Is that the same as the NHL HQs?"
"Yea, yea, you are in the HQs, but you're in the basement of the headquarters. Understand?"
Antti nodded his head. "I get it now. But who are you?"
"I'm Tommy Gorman, founder of the NHL. And I also keep track of it."
"Tommy..." Antti blinked a bit. "Whoa, I never excpeted you to be like this."
"That's what everyone says, but hey, I'm over a hundred years old--it'll be creepy if I'm still fully human."
" you control the NHL."
Tommy nodded his head. "That's right."
"Wow...and you keep track of the powers in the NHL, right?"
"Yup, you got that right. So..." Tommy looked back at his computer. "'re Antti Niemi of the Chicago Blackhawks, right?"
"That's right." Antti smiled a bit.
"I remember the Blackhawks. They were a great team when I was their manager and and still are, don't get me wrong on that. You like the team?" Tommy looked back at Antti with his fingers interlaced.
"Yea, the teammates are great and we usually win and they're encouraging...."
"Would you trade to another team?"
"Me? No, I would like to stay in Chicago for the rest of my career."
"Really? Why?"
"Like what I said, the teammates, the potential, the drive, the's everything about the team; Chicago's a team like no other. I would not trade for another team. Ever."
Tommy made a sad look. "Ever?"
"Look, Antti, I hate to say this because of your spirit with your team,'re in the wrong team.
Antti made a bewildered look. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"
"The Blackhawks are not the team you're suppose to be in."
"So why am I in it, then?"
" was the only way for you to meet up with someone who would help you with your insecurity with your powers--"
"Whoa, how do you know about that--"
"Antti, believe or not, but I know everything about you. Not only about you, but also about every NHL player. Might be freaky, but I do overlook the NHL; I need to see if everything's in place; I need to know everyone so that I know what type of people are coming into the NHL and are in the NHL. Understand?"
"So you put me in the Blackhawks so that Patrick can make me feel good about my powers?"
"Yes. So that you can have someone who also have powers by your side at all times that can help you with your powers."
"But I won't be with Patrick all the time if I leave the Blackhawks--"
"Because you'll be all good to go; you'll be able to use your powers with appreciation. You won't need him anymore."
"Why didn't you just put me in the correct team and just lead me to Brian so that he can help me--?"
"Because Brian would not be with you all the time like Patrick. Antti, I have my way of things, ways that no one understands and might never will. Just trust me, I know what I'm doing. Everything happens for a reason."
Antti sighed. "When am I gonna be traded?"
"This is your last year with the Blackhawks."
"Wait, last year? No, that can't be! Just one more year, Gorman, give me one more year--"
"Antti, it's January, you have like...five and a half months left if you make it to the playoffs, which I'm sure you guys will. You'll be fine."
"Which I going to be traded to...?" Antti made an anxious.
"The Sharks. The San Jose Sharks."
"To San Jose? That's--that's far! Ugh, can't Patrick come with me at least?"
"No, because he's in his correct team."
"Okay, so why are the Blackhawks right for him and not for me?"
"Let me explain that you, Antti: each team has one player that has powers in it. You and Patrick have powers and you are guys are both on the same team, so that breaks the format; that means that the Sharks have no one with powers on their team, since there are thirty players with powers on the NHL. You, Antti, are the person with powers that is for their team. Each team has a different type of power, except for the Los Angeles Kings and the New York Rangers, they have the same powers, but still each team has its own unique power. The Blackhawks' powers are invisibility, fast reflexes, and skills with the bow and arrow, which are the exact powers Patrick has. But you, on the other hand, have water powers, which are the Sharks' powers, not Blackhawk powers. That's why you're on the wrong team: because your powers aren't the Blackhawks' powers. Anyway, there can't be two people with powers on one team. Understand?"
Antti nodded his team slowly. "Yea... So this is my last season with the Blackhawks?"
"That's right."
"Okay...that's good to know that I you told me all about this. But wait, another question: what's with the GHP and EHP?"
"Well, those are two societies I made when the NHL just got started in 1917; I remember those days with the Arenas, Wanders, Senators, and was like yesterday." Tommy waved that sentence away with his hand. "Anyways, I decided to give four people, one from each team, powers so that they can lead the team strongly, so you can guess that I give 'em to captains. Now, half of them decided to use the powers to their own advantage and try to take over the NHL, which I didn't want them to do; they made up their own little group, thinking of ways to make the NHL theirs. So I gather the other two people and made up the GHP, where their job was to protect the NHL from being taken over--"
"But don't you have any powers to defend yourself?"
"Nope, I just have the power to keep the NHL on the right track. So that was how the GHP and EHP were form. Then when the Original Six came in, more people came in with powers for each team, which meant more people could join either the GHP, EHP, or just not participate in any of that hoopla, which I call the neutral players.
"So the battle raged on: the EHP fighting against the GHP. I appointed the Master of the GHP when the Original Six came in, but the EHP raised their own Master, which I have no part of. And I gave the authority of appointing who's in the GHP and who's not and who's going to be the Master of the GHP and you should know that that authority gets passed along from one Master to the next.
"Finally in the early 1960s, when I was about to die, the GHP eliminated the EHP from the face of the NHL. And to this day, they had not risen to power. Oh, it's so nice to not have to worry about some evil players trying to overthrow you. But still, after the EHP were destory, the GHP Masters still thrived, handing down the authority from one person to another. And now Brian Elliott has the authority and he has a plan to get the GHP back together, because ever since the EHP were defeated, the GHP kind of broke away and were weakened since there was no purpose for it. But Brian is being smart and wants to prepare just in case the EHP is found and risen by someone. Understand?"
"So the EHP doesn't exist today?"
Tommy shook his head. "Not what I know of."
"Alright, that's good to know."
"Any other questions you have?"
Antti had many other questions swimming in his mind, but he knew that he had to get going with his team or else he would miss the plane with his team, so he just waved it off. "No, I think I'm good now."
"Okay, that's good. If any questions come into mind, just fly on over to Ottawa and talk to me anytime you'd like. I'm always here if you need me--no need to hold anything back." Tommy extended his blue, translucent arms out.
"Thank you, Gorman. I should get going--we're leaving today."
"Well, go, don't be late."
"Okay, I won't." Antti walked out of the room and stood and in front of the elevator. "Do I have to go on it again?" he yammered.
"Sorry, Antti--" Tommy pushed a button on the huge desk full of buttons that was below the huge screen; the elevator door opened. "--it's the only way to get out of here. Don't worry, I'll try to fix it so that it can be a more graceful ride."
"Okay, thank you...again." And with a deep breath, Antti walked into the elevator with some hardihood.

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