Chapter 27 Doomed...Not Really

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Antti woke up to blurry vision. What the... Where am I? He looked around and realized that he was...floating. Why am I... Then he found out why: he was in water, in glass box full of water. But he was okay, just breathing fine, thanks to his powers.
But how did I end up here?
Then it hit Antti: encountering Jimmy last night, fighting against him, then getting hit by...was it lightning?
Antti looked around his surroundings, which was hard since anything beyond the box was all muddled and smeared. He pressed his face against the glass, getting a way better view of where he was.
A white, empty room...okay... Antti turned to the left. And more boxes full of water...okay--
Antti's eyes widen. In the box was Sidney with a huge smile on his face.
"Sidney!" Antti shouted. "Are you okay?"
Sidney nodded his head and said something Antti couldn't hear. He pointed down, showing Antti what he did: he froze the water he was in.
"Okay great!" Antti made a thumbs up. "Is anyone else here?"
Sidney pointed behind him with his thumb.
Oh no... Antti looked beyond Sidney's box and saw Jonathan in a box. Jonathan had a forcefield around him, keeping him away from the water, that was leaking out from the top of the box. Alright, that's good... Antti looked beyond Jonathan's box, and saw Patrick in his own box full of water...
"NOOOO!!!" Antti made all the water in the four boxes explode, spraying glass and water everywhere.
Sidney and Jonathan fell on the ground, soaked, but Antti ran out of his box all dried.
"Patrick!" Antti slid down to his knees next to Patrick, who was drenched with water and was unconscious. "Oh no, no, no, no, no, Patrick, please don't, please don't!" The only thing he could do was stare at his friend with an anxious look.
"What up with Patrick?" Sidney cautiously walked up to Antti with Jonathan behind him.
"He's...he's...unconscious..." Antti bit his lip. "I gotta take him to Gorman." He slipped his arms under Patrick and stood up, lifting him up. "Do you know where we're at?"
"We're a Jimmy's place," Jonathan answered. "I over heard Jimmy sayin' that."
"Oh deary me..." Antti looked around. "Where's the way out?"
"Over there, over there!" Sidney pointed to a door that was closed.
"Another way other than the obvious way--we don't want to be caught...again."
"Uhhh... Through that window...?" Sidney pointed to a small window that was high up, inches away from the ceiling.
"We can't fit in there, that's too small." Jonathan crossed his arms.
"Okay, we're just gonna have to risk it; let's go." Antti began to head towards the door.
"Aw, why can't any of us have teleportation?" Sidney yammered, following Antti.
"Ask that to Gorman," Jonathan told Sidney, exiting the room with Sidney.
"Okay, you guys," Antti whispered. "You got to be as quiet as possible--no talking, understand?"
Sidney and Jonathan nodded their heads.
"Okay." Antti began to slowly walk down the white hallway, looking around to find an exit with his sidekicks trailing behind him.
The only noise they were making were the squeaky, squishing steps of Sidney and Jonathan since they were soaked.
Suddenly, a shield began to whiz straight towards them, but Sidney froze it with his ice powers in mid air before it could hit anyone. He recognized the Capitals' colors and designs.
"That must be Ovechkin's!" Sidney said quickly under his breath.
"Dat is mine." Alex teleported behind Sidney.
Sidney turned around and screamed, but Jonathan shortened the scream by covering Sidney's mouth with his hand.
"What do you want from us?" Jonathan snapped.
"To you to go bah-k to room."
"N-n-n-noooo!" Sidney managed to say with Jonathan's hand on his mouth. He froze Alex's feet and began to sprint down the hallway in fear.
"C'mon, Nemo, let's go!" Jonathan also began to run.
Antti looked at Alex, who was struggling to get out of the ice, then ran off.
They made to safety out of the EHP HQs and flew over to Ottawa.

Meanwhile, back in the the EHP HQs two hours later...
Jimmy swaggers in with a huge smile on his face. "Okay, so I bought furniture! And Ben and Carey are gonna bring 'em--" His eyes widen when he saw Alex half covered in ice. "Oh my goodness, what happened?" He ran over to Alex quickly.
"Dey ex-cape," Alex grumbled with a serious look.
"WHAAA? You let them escape?! All of them???"
"Yeeeesss," Alex said between gritting teeth.
Jimmy's face began to grow red. "What? How-how did they escape?"
"Sid. He froze meh."
"Oooo..." Jimmy's eyes narrowed. "This is not the end. It's time...for war."

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