Chapter 24 Here For A Reason

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"Table for four, please," Antti told the hostess as he, Patrick, Sidney, and Jonathan entered a breakfast restaurant.
"Alright, follow me!" She grabbed four menus and was about to lead them to their table when an Asian man in dark blue onesies who seemed to be in a rush, cut between them.
"I'm late, I'm late! I have preaching to do today!" He took a sip out of his mini water bottle and ran out of the restaurant.
"Okay..." Sidney said quietly, eyeing the door as they walked over to their seats.
They sat down and began to read the menu.
"Hmmm...hmmm..." Jonathan scanned through the menu with inquiring eyes.
"I'm gonna get the pancakes!" Sidney exclaimed. "I wonder what Bubby Jr. wants..." He reached into his pocket, grabbing Bubby Jr.
"Bubby Jr., man?" Patrick gave Sidney a weird look. "Who's that, dude?"
"This!" Sidney raised his small, stuffed gorilla in the air for everyone to see.
"That's a stuffed animal. They don't eat," Jonathan told Sidney.
"Well, Bubby Jr. does! I can't starve him!" Sidney hugs Bubby Jr. with big eyes.
"Oh man...who would've known...," Jonathan started, "...that the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins has a stuffed gorilla."
"Hey, don't make fun of me--Bubby will give you revenge!"
"Bubby? So there's a Bubby, too?"
"Yea, he's huge! This big!" Sidney showed the size of Bubby with his hands, still holding on to Bubby Jr. "He's Bubby Jr.'s dad."
"And you saved me from the cops? You gotta be kidding me...."
"Are you planning to ask Brian if they can be recruited to the GHP, man?" Patrick whispered to Antti.
"Yes, that's why I invited them over for breakfast--get to know more about them," Antti whispered back.
"Well, take note that Sid the Kid is attached to a stuff gorilla, dude."
"Don't worry, that won't get in the way."
"I'm gonna get Bubby Jr..." Sidney looked at the menu, holding Bubby Jr. so that he can also look at the menu. "...the waffles! Is that fine, Bubby Jr.?" He looked down at the small gorilla.
"Oh my gosh, he even talks to that thing!" Jonathan placed his hands on his face.
"Stop it, Jonny, that's rude!" Sidney snapped, looking at Jonathan with his brown eyes narrowed. He looked back at Bubby Jr., softening his face. "What was that, Bubby Jr.?" He held up Bubby Jr. to his ear, pretending to hear what he wants. "Ohhh, I should've known! You want the banana pancakes! Duh!" Sidney slapped his forehead. "So I'll get the regular pancakes, and you'll get the banana pancakes. Okay, we're ready to order!" He closed his menu. "Ooo, and don't forget about hot chocolate!"
"I'm gonna get the plate with eggs, sausages, and hash browns. Is it okay to order drinks...Niemi?" Jonathan looked at Antti, who was studying the menu.
"Yea, sure," Antti said without looking at him.
"And I'll get orange juice."
"Breakfast burrito, man...with, uh--"
A waiter walked up to their table. "Hello!" He grabbed an empty chair and sat between Sidney and Patrick. The four looked at the waiter with odd looks.
"Where's the waiter?" the waiter himself asked, looking around.
"" Patrick managed to tell him.
"Oh yea, I forgot I was the waiter! Haha, I thought I was part of your party. So...where is my notepad..." The waiter searched for it in his apron and pulled it out. "Okay, what can we have?" He grabbed Patrick's menu and began reading it. "Ooo the crêpes look good!"
"You're suppose to take out order," Sidney whispered to the waiter.
"Oh that's right!" The waiter put the menu down and pulled out his pen from the notepad. "What can I get you guys?"
"Another waiter," Jonathan muttered.
"What was that?" The waiter looked at Jonathan.
"Oh, um, I'll have the breakfast combo with orange juice...please."
"Okay, and you, sir?" The waiter turned to Antti.
"I'll like to have the eggs benedict with a glass of water, please."
"Okay, and you...dude?" The waiter turned to Patrick.
"The breakfast burrito, man, with iced tea, dude," Patrick said smoothly.
"Alright, and the last one, you." The waiter turned to Sidney.
"Oh, it's my turn!" Sidney opens up the menu and looks at it. "I would like the regular pancakes and he'll like the banana pancakes." Sidney pointed to Bubby Jr., who was now sitting on the table next to the menu. "And we'll both like hot chocolate." He closed the menu and smiled at the waiter.
"That gorilla eats?" the waiter asked.
"Well, he has to, or else he'll die!"
"Okay..." The water wrote on the notepad and went over the order to make sure he got it right. "Alrightie then." He put the notepad and pen on the table and rested his arms on the table. "Now we gotta wait for our food."
"Uhhh...that'll take forever if you don't bring the order to the kitchen, man," Patrick told the waiter.
"Oh yea, that's right--I'm the waiter! Haha!" He got up with his notepad and pen. "Now you guys wait, I'll be back with your food." He walked into the kitchen.
"That was one of the most awkwardest moments in my life," Jonathan commented.
"That's something you don't encounter everyday," Antti said.
"Had you been to this restaurant before?"
"Oh yea, I've been here many times--that waiter must've been new 'cause I've never saw him before."
" what did you want to talk to us about?" Jonathan asked. "You mentioned it when we just met."
"Oh yes..." Antti turned to Sidney and Jonathan. "So you guys both have powers, right?"
"Yup!" Sidney said with a big smile. "I have ice powers! And they're awesome! I can freeze people, and fly, and make an ice rink out of thin air!"
"That must be very convenient during off-season," Jonathan guessed.
"It is! I can make my house into an ice rink!" Sidney threw his arms up in the air.
"Can you also make it snow?" Jonathan asked.
"No...I can just make ice."
"No snow?"
"So you can't build a snowman from your bare hands?"
"If you consider ice cubes stacked up on each other, than yea."
"Huh, interesting."
"What are you're powers?" Antti asked Jonathan. "And what is your name?"
"Oh, I'm Jonathan Quick--"
"And I'm Sidney Crosby!"
"I do know you, of course." Antti pointed to Sidney, then he turned to Jonathan. "So, Jonathan, what are your powers?"
"You guys have powers?" the waiter asked, with their drinks on a black tray.
Jonathan covered Sidney's mouth. "It's for a comic book project we're doing. Can we have our drinks?"
"Oh yea, sure!" The waiter placed the drinks carefully on the table. "There." He then sat down down on the chair he left behind between Sidney and Patrick. "Where's my drink?"
"You're the waiter, dude," Patrick told the waiter.
"Oh man, that's right! Hehe, sorry." The waiter got up and walked back into the kitchen.
"Put that chair somewhere else," Jonathan told Patrick.
"I got a better idea, man." Patrick leaned his back against the wall and propped his feet on the empty chair and placed his hands behind his head. "Oh, much better, dude."
"Patrick, sit back correctly," Antti said seriously, eyeing him.
"Awww, man..." Patrick begrudgingly slid his feet off and sat correctly.
"Alright, so what are your powers?" Antti asked Jonathan.
"I can make force fields and I am strong. Very strong."
"Super human strength, dude?" Patrick asked.
"Do you guys know how you got your powers?" Antti asked. "Like why you have powers?"
"Ooo, I remember when I got my powers!" Sidney exclaimed. "It was awesome!"
"Like how?"
"Okay, so when I was twelve I was in my room alone and sad because I couldn't play hockey outside since it was raining. Then suddenly, ice began to form on the floor by my feet and up on my bed. I was like, 'Oh my Bubbys, what's this ice doing here?'
"So I got down and examined the ice, which was perfectly normal! I turned around and saw more ice I didn't see before! So I ran over to my mom who was in the kitchen to tell her that there was ice in my room! And she told me that not only the ice is in my room, but it's now in the kitchen!
"I turned around and sure enough, there was a trail of ice behind me! I was like, 'Whoa, this is so cool!' So I began to experiment and see when the ice would come and I found that I was the reason why there was ice around since I was able to make it! And my little sister even liked it! And parents liked my powers because it made me and my sister happy! During bad weather where we couldn't go outside, we would make ice cube snowmen and freeze furniture so that we go sledding on 'em, and oh Bubby, the list goes on!
"But the best part is that when my buddies and I wanted to play hockey, I could make an ice rink easily! I remember the first time that happened, it was during the summertime. My friends and I wanted to play hockey, but we had no money to go to an ice rink, so I got the idea so make one! I slammed my foot on the ground on an empty basketball court and voilà! an ice rink! My friends loved it! Everyone loved my powers! It's one of the best things I have in my life!" Sidney extended his arms out with a huge smile. "Best thing ever!"
"Wow, that sounds really nice," Antti commented.
"It was great! Everyone's so happy when I come back to Cole Harbour!"
"Okay then, what about you, Jonathan?" Antti interlaced his fingers on the table.
"Oh well, I've had my powers all as long as I could remember. But I always kept it a secret, unlike Sidney. But one day before my hockey practice when I was like, um...I don't remember, in seventh grade, maybe, um, the zamboni took in a glove that was in the middle of the ice and broke down on the middle of the ice. The driver couldn't go under the zamboni since it's heavy and it'll take a long time to push it out of the ice.
"So I don't know how I got the courage in front of everyone, but I skated over to the driver and told him I could hold up the zamboni while he gets out the glove. He said that was crazy, but I did it anyways. I laid on my back and got a tight grasp on the bottom edge of the zamboni and lifted it up with ease, leaning it towards me so that the driver could get the glove out easily. He got it out, I placed the zamboni back down, everyone one cheered.
"I told my parents about my powers and they were proud of me. I didn't really use my powers through, only when I needed to, like one time when my bookshelf was about to collapse on me one time, I stopped it with my force field. But I wasn't like Sidney, where I was using them here and there and everywhere and for people. But they're nice."
Antti nodded his head. "Alright... But you guys should know that we also have powers." He pointed to Patrick and himself.
"Oh really?" Jonathan rasied his eyebrows. "What powers?"
"Fast reflxes, invisibility, and skilled with the bow 'n arrow, dude," Patrick answered.
"Oh, that's why you were able to save that biiiiiiiig truck so quickly!" Sidney exclaimed.
"Yup, man."
"What powers do you have, Niemi?" Jonathan asked.
"Uh, water powers."
"That must be nice."
The waiter walked over to their table with two trays of food. "I got your guys' food!"
"Yay! Food!" Sidney clapped his hands a bit.
The waiter passed out the food, then sat down on the empty chair that was still next to Patrick and Sidney. "Which one's my food?"
"Oh my gosh, dude, you're the waiter, man, not with us, dude!" Patrick exclaimed.
"Ohhhh yea, I forgot! Wow, thanks for reminding me!" The waiter got up. "Enjoy your food!" He walked away.
"Okay, so where were we at?" Jonathan asked, shoving a forkful of hash browns in his mouth.
"Oh, I was gonna talk to you guys about why you guys have powers and everything else that follows that," Antti told him.
"Wait, there's a reason why we have powers?" Sidney asked, cutting Bubby Jr.'s pancakes into tiny pieces.
"Yea. Believe it or not, but every team here in the NHL has a player with powers. Like I'm the player on the San Jose Sharks that has powers, Patrick's the player the has the powers of the Chicago Blackhawks, Jonathan has the King's powers, and you have the powers and are the only person in the Penguins have has powers."
"Really?" Sidney smiled. "I feel so special!" He pretended to feed a piece of pancake to Bubby Jr.
"So who has the powers for the Ducks?" Jonathan asked.
"I don't know. I'm not the one who's behind all this." Antti began to cut one of his eggs benedict.
"Who is then?" Jonathan cuts a chunk of sausage and stuffs it in his mouth.
"The founder of the NHL--"
"Fommee fuh fombie, fan!" Patrick cut in with his mouth full of a quarter of his burrito.
"Patrick!" Antti hissed, able to understand what Patrick just said. "One, Gorman's not a zombie, so stop calling him that. And two, do not talk with your mouth full!"
Patrick swallowed. "Sorry, dude."
"Wait, the founder of the NHL is still around?" Jonathan asked, eating some eggs.
"Well...yes he is, but he is not in like human flesh form--he's like a hologram. But yea, he's still around."
"What's his name?" Sidney asked.
"Tommy Gorman."
"And what does he have to do with our powers?" Jonathan stuffed the rest of one of his sausages in his mouth.
"Well, he's the one that chose us to have powers for our teams and he makes sure that everything's going well with the whole NHL." Antti took at forkful of a poached egg.
"Ooo, that sounds cool!" Sidney eyes widen in awe. "I wanna meet 'im!"
Antti swallowed and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "You will one day."
"I've been with Nemo here for more than a year and I hadn't met this Gorman dude yet, man." Patrick gulped down half of his iced tea.
"Nemo?" Antti turned to Patrick. "You're calling me that now?"
"It's funny nickname, dude. I'll sometimes call you that, man."
"Alright, I thought that would only be used by the Sharks, but that's fine." Antti continued eating.
"My nickname's Sid the Kid!" Sidney exclaims.
"Everyone knows that." Jonathan shoots Sidney a serious look.
"Well, what's your nickname?"
"I have two: Quicky and Quicker." Jonathan finished up the rest of his eggs.
"Okay, Quicky!" Sidney ate a tiny piece of a pancakes with a huge mouth.
"But do not call me that. You can call me Jonny or Jonathan, that's it."
"Alright, Jonny..." Sidney ate more tiny pieces of his pancake.
"Mine's Kaner, dude. But just call me Patrick--all of my fans, including Jonathan, Jonathan Toews, man, calls me that, dude." Patrick took a bite out of his burrito.
"Okay, so let's get back on track," Antti said. "So each team has a player with powers, the person who is in charge of our powers and the NHL is Tommy Gorman--"
"Who's a zombie, man," Patrick cut in.
"Patrick, please, I told you already not to call him that." Antti gave him an irritated look. "I'll bring you over to him one day and you'll see how he's like."
"Okay, dude." Patrick continued eating.
Antti turned back to Sidney and Jonathan. "And...there are groups in the NHL that are for players with powers made by Gorman."
"Really? Which group are you guys in?" Sidney licked some of the melting whipped cream from his hot chocolate.
"We're in the GHP, man," Patrick answered.
Jonathan swallowed with a confused look. "And what does that stand for?"
"Good Hockey Players' Society," Antti replied. "Even though there's no 's' in GHP, it still stands for that."
"Is there an evil hockey players society?" Sidney asked with his mouth in his cup.
"Yup, the EHP: Evil Hockey Players' Society."
"And why would anyone want to join something that's evil?" Jonathan asked, finishing his hash browns.
"Because the goal for the EHP is to take over the NHL. So if you want have control over the NHL, then the EHP is the perfect place to go to."
"Who's in it?" Sidney scooped some whipped cream off of Bubby Jr.'s hot chocolate with a spoon anad pretended to give it to him.
"Well, Jimmy Howard's the Master--"
Jonathan began to choke a bit on his hash browns. "Jimmy Howard?"
"Yea, he's the one in charge of the society." Antti finished up one of the two eggs benedicts. "There's also Carey Price...and Alex Ovechkin--"
"Ooooh...I don't like him..." Sidney narrowed his eyes. "Yea, he looks evil. But I'm gonna play against him very soon."
"And there's Ben Bishop," Antti finished.
"Okay, now I'm not gonna play against him soon. He's in the Blues."
"So is like half of the NHL good and the other half evil?" Jonathan asked.
"Nope, four teams is not even a quarter of the NHL. The majority of the players that have powers in the NHL are neutral, meaning they're in nether of the groups."
"I'm neutral right now!!!" Sidney placed his hands on his wavy, brown hair. "No, no, no, this is not good! I need to be good!" He grabbed Bubby Jr. with both hands and began to shake him vigorously. "WhatI'magonnadooooo?!"
"Good luck getting an answer from that thing," Jonathan said, eyeing Sidney while chomping on a sausage.
"Shut up!" Sidney whacked Jonathan's head with the bottom of Bubby Jr. "Bubby Jr. kicked you because you said that! Hmp!" He turned back to finishing up his pancakes."ButwhatamIgonnadoooooo?" he asked after taking a small bite from his pancake.
"Well, would you like to join the GHP?" Antti asked. "I can ask Brian if that's fine."
"Who's Brian?" Jonathan asked, fixing his spiky hair that was kind of messed up from Bubby Jr.'s soft kick.
"Oh, Brian Elliott. He's the Master of the GHP--the person who's in charge of the GHP."
"Ooo! I'm gonna play against him really soon!" Sidney exclaims.
"There're Masters?" Jonathan made a puzzled look.
"Yes, there are. Jimmy's the Master of the EHP."
"Oh yea, you told us that... Are there any more positions?"
"Well, there's also a spy, which is Patrick here." Antti patted Patrick's shoulder. "Now, would you excuse me, I need to ask Brian if it's okay to recruit you both to the GHP." Antti got up and left the table.
"OhmyBubbys, we're gonna be good guys!" Sidney clapped his hands excitedly. "Aren't you excited, Jonny?"
Jonathan sighs. "That means that I have to put up with your gorilla."
"Hey, Bubby and Bubby Jr. are nice gorialls, if only you're nice to them." Sidney explained, cutting up more tiny pieces of his pancake.
"Dude, just stuff that whole pancake in your mouth, man," Patrick told Sidney, looking him while slurping his iced tea.
"No, that's not how I eat." Sidney plopped at tiny piece of his pancake into his mouth.
"Well, good luck eating all your pancakes before we're outta here, dude." Patrick placed the empty cup on the table.
"There are such things as to-go boxes."
"Yea, true, man."
"So how long have been with Niemi?" Jonathan asked, finishing up his plate.
"Uhh..we've been friends for years, maybe, dude? Yea..., two years, man."
"How did you guys become friends if you're both in different teams?"
"Oh, Antti was in the Blackhawks, dude; that's how we met, man."
"So he's like you're best friend, then?" Jonathan placed his fork on a napkin.
"Oh yea, next to Toews, dude. If anyone hurts him, then I'll come after that person and give 'em revenge. And you do not want to mess with me." Patrick pulled out his bow and rubbed it clean.
" that just a warning that you're protecting Niemi from us because you don't trust us?"
"No, man, I trust you guys, dudes. Just putting that out there, man..." Patrick put back his bow away.
"Whew!" Sidney looked at the two plates of pancakes and hot chocolates that surrounded him and Bubby Jr. "I need to take this out!" Two styrofoam cups and to-go boxes dropped in front of him. "Ooo! Thanks!"
"I figured you weren't gonna eat all those pancakes and hot chocolates." Antti sat back down on his chair. "Okay, so I talked to Brian and payed for the food."
"What did Brian say?" Jonathan asked.
"He's says that you guys are in. And he'll like to met you two. Welcome to the GHP, Sidney and Jonathan."

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