Chapter 29 It's...War

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When the GHP (except for Patrick) arrived at the entrance of the EHP HQs in Detroit, Jimmy and his sidekicks were already waiting for them.
"Hahahaha..." Jimmy walked up to Brian with an evil smirk on his face. "I knew you'll come, Elliott."
"I'm doing this for the NHL's sake," Brian replied flatly with a serious look.
"Ooo...and I see you brought the whole gang..." Jimmy looked over Brian's shoulder, seeing Antti, Sidney, and Jonathan behind him. "...except for poor, poor Kane, of course. And I have all of my guys here..." He looked behind his own shoulder at Carey, Ben, and Alex, then back at the good guys. "Well, look at that, it's equal...lovely. Come along, we don't wanna mess up the front yard of my HQs."
Jimmy led everyone to the side of the headquarters, which was a small, light alley with brick walls. "This is much...better!"
Jimmy turned around striking Brian unexpectedly with his red energy.
"Brian!" Antti gasped.
"Don't worry about me!" Brian stood up quickly. "Go fight! They attacked first! Go!" He ran up to Jimmy.
"I don't know how to fight! I don't know how to fight!" Sidney was shaking a bit.
"I tee-ch you ow!" Alex came flying towards Sidney, whacking his head with his shield. (I teach you how!)
"ACK!" Sidney skidded onto the ground; ice began to form where Sidney was sitting. He gasped in awe. "Riiiight!" He then held out his hands towards Alex and shot ice at him.
"AHHHHhhhhhHHHHHhhhh!!!!" Alex fell onto the ground. "Not fair! My turn!" He got up, but Sidney shoved him back down with his powers.
"Haha, this is funny! I know what I'm gonna tell Bubby Jr. tonight for his bedtime story!" Sidney shot another blast of ice at Alex, but he disappeared in a flash of blue energy. "Wha?"
"I can tel-lee-port!!!" Alex shouted, falling down on top of Sidney. He slammed his shield inches away from Sidney's head. "Но мне нужно, проведенных с моим близким целью," he muttered under his breath. (But I need help with my close aim.)
"Try to do telepathy on THIS!!!" Jonathan slammed his foot on the asphalt, making the ground lift and split towards Carey.
"Ohmy!" Carey threw himself out of the cracking ground's way. "Take it easy, will ya?"
"No today!" Jonathan trapped Carey in a force field. "Do you like flying?"
"Weeeeeeeee!!!!" Jonathan lifted his arm in the air, letting the force field Carey was in take off into the sky.
"Whooooaaaaa!!!" Carey's brown eyes were wide as he saw everything getting smaller. "This beats flying on an airplane!!!" Suddenly, the force field slammed into a tall building. "ACK! My head!"
"Hehehee..." Jonathan smiled as he was bouncing the force field back and forth on the building's side. "This is entertaining!"
"I gotcha once...I can surely getcha twice," Ben growled, walking around in circles, facing Antti.
"I learned my mistake...," Antti told him matter-of-factly. "Let's see how this works out this time without Jimmy."
"I'll love to see that!" Ben conjured white lightning bolts that had a glowing Tampa Bay Lightning blue outline, shooting them straight at Antti.
Antti extinguished them by forming a wall of water in front of him with his eyes shut tight, all tense. He opened his eyes and relaxed, letting the wall fall down.
"Ooo...nice move...!" With one hand, Ben shot a lightning bolt at Antti,
Antti blocked that with both of this hands with ease.
But while blocking, Ben shot another bolt without Antti aware of it.
Antti yelped and tumbled on the ground.
"You're lucky that was a terrible bolt--not enough power with it." Ben slowly crept up to Antti, looming over him. "But I can make one that can fry you into nothing. Would you like to see?" He began making electricity between his hands rotating around each other.
All Antti could do was stare at Ben with huge eyes. Fried? Getting fried? Is that my doom? No! I gotta stop him! But he knocked me down already...I'm not skilled in fighting... He's too strong! He's taller than me! How can I beat him? Do I have to kill him or just make him surrender? What is the purpose of this? Why fight? Why can't we just get along? Why play this game? Because of the NHL. Fine. I'll play your little game...
And before Ben could launch his mega-bolt into Antti, Antti felt his power surge through him and he blasted water with force, knocking him to the ground a few yards away. Antti got up to his feet and began charging at Ben, who was trying to get up, but was having a hard time since he was kind of soaked. Antti formed a water ball and threw at Ben, which didn't really affect him. Then with both hands, Antti made a wave, shoving Ben to the ground.
Ben began to cough and sputtered,"'re good."
Antti walked up to him, facing him. He tried to speak, but couldn't. That look Ben was making, that horrific, awe, surprised look...reminded Antti of his father's look when he just discovered about his powers. Why am I thinking about this now? Stop it, just stop it. Don't think about the past...listen to Brian...don't think about it...
The fear.
Don't think about it.
The pain.
Don't think about it.
The rejection.
Don't think about it.
Don't think about it.
Don't think about it.
The past.
"AAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Antti began blasting water at Ben on and on and on, not stopping.
Ben tried to escape, but the force of the water was too strong; it was like he was trapped right below a waterfall. He felt himself weakening as the superfluous amount of water was now affecting his powers.
"Pl-lah!" Ben yelled in the water. "Plee! S-flawp!"
Ben couldn't move, he couldn't do anything to stop Antti. "Pleh-sin! Pflee!" He was now having a hard time breathing
"Ph-lanti! Fl-op!" Ben tried to get up, but couldn't. "Fl-ime peri--" He began coughing violently as he took in some water.
"Oh man...what is all that sound? A pipe must've burst," Jimmy pointed out, while getting up slowly between tin trash cans; he was thrown to the ground by Brian's sound wave scream.
"It sounds like water." Brian turned around, seeing Antti using his powers on the ground. "Antti?" He began to make his way towards his sidekick.
"Hey! You just can't walk away during a fight just like that!" Jimmy snapped.
"Wait, Jimmy." Brian saw what Antti was doing to Ben. "Antti!"
No response.
"ANTTI!" Brian yelled louder, trying not to use his powers. "Antti, listen to me!!!"
No acknowledgment.
"Antti, stop it, that's enough!" Brian stormed up to Antti. "What's wrong with you, Niemi?! You're killing the guy!"
"No, I'm not," Antti snapped, not looking at his Master.
"Niemi, listen to me!" Brian patted Antti's shoulder multiple times quickly.
"Don't touch me--"
Brian pushed Antti out of the way, ceasing the water.
"I SAID DON'T TOUCH MEEEEEEE!!!!!" Antti gathered all the water that was spilled on the wall, conjured it into a huge, glowing water ball and thrusted it straight at Brian.
Brian flew into the wall and slumped onto the wall like a dummy; a trash lid fell on his head with his eyes closed.
Antti blinked for a moment, calming down. What just happened?
Ben let out a taut gasp, coughing harshly while sitting up slowly.
Antti looked at him with wide eyes as Jimmy rushed up to him.
"Ben! Are you okay?" Jimmy knelt next to him.
Ben was breathing hard. "I can't feel my powers, I can't feel my powers!"
"Your powers?" Jimmy looked up at Antti, gawking at him. "You..." He got up slowly. " took Ben's powers away?!"
"What?!" Antti made a shocked look.
"I can't make lightning anymore!" Ben looked up at them; he looked like he was on the verge of crying.
"I-I didn't mean to!" Antti stuttered, throwing his hands in the air.
"Well say that to your Master!" Jimmy spat.
Antti looked at where he last say Brian. There was Brian still on the ground. "Ohmygosh!" Antti's eyes went wide. He ran over to his Master's side.
"Well, I guess this fight's over--"
Alex teleported next to Jimmy. "Ess Sehd ear?" (Is Sid here?)
"No, and that doesn't matter--we're done!"
"Wha? Why?" Alex made a confused look.
Jimmy helped Ben up. "Just teleport us outta here before we lose our powers. Now!!"
The three vanished in a streak of blue light.
"WAAAAAAIIIIIIT!" Carey yelled running towards his group that just teleported.
"I found you!" Jonathan pointed to Carey with a smirk.
"No!" Carey used his telepathy to make Jonathan freeze. He also did the same to Sidney, who was close by, and Antti and Brian. "Whew! I can finally use my telepathic powers!" He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Okay...I'm left behind...I don't know where Jimmy's at..." A wicked smile grew on his face. "So that means I can take on the EHP and recruit my own sidekicks..." He began to clap excitedly. "Oooohhh yesss! Giroux, here I come!" Carey ran away, letting his telepathy be lifted from the good guys.
"Brian! Brian!" Antti tapped Brian's shoulder rapidly. "Brian, wake up! Please!" He had his teeth clenched together.
Brian's eyes fluttered open. "Oh good, you're back to normal."
"Ohmygosh, are you okay?" Antti placed his hands over his mouth and nose.
Brian sat up against the wall, taking the trash lid off of his head. "Do you have any idea what you just did to me?"
"I...I..." Antti thought for a moment. "Oh no..."
Brian smirked a bit. "Oh yes..."
"No, I didn't! I-I couldn't have!"
"You did. Congrats."
"What?" Antti looked at the ground with bewilderment. "I told you that..."
"Everyone breaks promises."
"Noooo..." Antti placed his face in his hands. "This is terrible. I feel so bad... First Ben, and I took the powers away from my own Master." He looked up with a horrified look.
"You're capable of more doing things you think you can."
"I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I'm horrible, I know!" Antti placed the back of his head on the hard wall. He let out a big sighed. "I messed up."
"I hate to say this, but you did."
"Wh-what's going on?" Sidney asked looking down at Antti and Brian.
"Oh, it's nothing." Brian waved it off. "Let's go." He got up, almost falling down.
"Are we going to Ottawa or..." Jonathan's voice faded.
"Yea, I gotta meet up with Tommy. And of course, check up on Kane."
They walked out of the alley.
"So, how was your first fight?" Brian asked Sidney and Jonathan.
They began to talk about how awesome it was to shoot and dodge and Brian was acting that nothing bad happened.

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