Chapter 28 One Man Short

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"Gorman! Gorman!" Antti bursted out of the elevator with Patrick limp on his arms.
Tommy was sitting on the sofa, having tea with Brian when they turned to look at Antti with shocked looks. "What's going on?" Tommy asked, standing up.
"It's Patrick--he's unconscious!" Antti stopped in front of Gorman, holding Patrick up.
" that's how you look like!" Sidney said with awe in his voice, gawking at Tommy.
"Hello, there, Sidney!" Tommy waved to Sidney then back to Antti.
Sidney gasped and clapped his hands happily. "He knows my name!"
"He knows everyone's name in the NHL, Sid," Jonathan told Sidney.
"Still! He said it!"
Jonathan just sighed.
"Here, put him on the sofa." Tommy patted on the half of the sofa he was sitting on.
Brian got up and Antti gently laid Patrick on the orange sofa that was littered with patches.
"What happened to him, Niemi?" Brian asked with a bit of frustration in his voice.
"Um..." Antti licked his lips. "We all got captured by the EHP and they held us hostage in glass boxes full of water--"
"I froze mine!" Sidney raised his hand in the air.
Antti turned to Sidney. "Yes, that's why you're not like Patrick, Sidney." He turned back to his Master. "And Sidney of course froze the water he was in, Jonathan had a force field, I was able to breath fine, but Patrick was out when I saw him."
"He's alive...!" Tommy announced, sitting next to Patrick and having his hand on his chest. "He's just taking short breaths."
"But is he gonna make it?" Antti turned to Tommy with an anxious look.
"Oh I bet he'll--his powers should help him out." Tommy stood up. "I'll look after him and you guys can go off."
"But how did you guys get captured by the EHP?" Brian cried. "They're just as powerful as us!"
"Hey, we escaped!" Jonathan snapped.
"Yea, because Ovechkin was the only one there!" Sidney chuckled a bit.
"But how?"
"For me, it was two on one," Antti told Brian, throwing his hands in the air. "I almost had them down, but Bishop stuck me with lighning. Or what seemed like lightning."
"Ovechkin teleported me to the HQs," Sidney said.
"Price got me with telepathy." Jonathan crossed his arms.
Brian groaned and closed his eyes. "How are going to defeat the EHP if we can't beat them one on one?"
"Maybe it needs to be all of you guys versus them," Tommy told Brian. He placed a bright blue hand on Brian's shoulder. "Everything'll turn out fine. They will be defeat them soon."
"But we're now one man short!" Brian extended his hand towards Patrick. "Our spy is down!"
"It's okay, Elliott, Kane'll come back."
Brian sighed. "At least we don't need to fight against them now. I hope Howard doesn't want to fight against us--"
Brian's sentence was cut off by a beeping sound in the air.
"I think I know where's that's coming from!" Tommy sing-songed, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"Oh no." Brian rolled up his sleeve, revealing his intercom. He pressed a button on it and spoke into it. "Hello?"
"Well, hello there, Elliott. How are you?" a voice crackled through the intercom.
"Who is this?" Brian had a serious look.
"Who else could it be: it's me, Jimmy Howard." Jimmy chuckled evilly.
"Wha? Howard, how the heck did you get access through my intercom?!"
"Check your spy's wrist."
Brian brought down his wrist and looked at Patrick's right wrist, which was hanging on the edge of the sofa; the intercom he usually wore was now gone. "What?!" Brian roared back into the intercom. "You stole Kane's intercom???!!!"
"Oh yes, ain't I so brilliant?"
Brian narrowed his eyes. "What do you want?"
"A war."
"Sorry, can no do."
"Hah! What type of Master are you if you don't want to fight?"
"We're one man short. Let's wait till Kane wakes up."
"You think I'm gonna wait for you guys to get an advantage? Heck no, we are gonna fight now."
"I refuse to."
"Okay then, say good bye to the NHL we all know of!!!"
"You don't dare..."
"Oh yes...I will."
Brian looked up at Tommy. "Do we really have to fight?" Brian whispered.
Tommy nodded his head. "Do what he wants you to do."
"What?" Brian made an odd look.
Tommy nodded towards Brian's intercom.
With a sigh, Brian turned back to the intercom. "Where do we meet?"
"Where else, Elliott? At Detroit, of course, by the my HQs." Jimmy chuckled a bit evilly. "I'll see you there in less than five minutes. Be there with your sidekicks...or else, you know what's gonna happen." He hung up.
Brian pressed at the intercom to end the conversation harshly.
"Well, we do need to go there to get Patrick's intercom," Sidney pointed out.
"You guys heard the whole conversation?" Brian asked his sidekicks, turning around to see them.
" there a problem with that?" Jonathan asked.
"No, no, I was just unaware about that." Brian sighed. "Well, we got a battle to go to. Let's go do this thing."

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