Chapter 1 Hockey Dream

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In a school in Vantaa, Finland, Antti was sitting at his desk, waiting patiently for his test.
"Great job, Antti." His teacher placed his test facing down on his desk.
Antti quickly picked it up and looked at the big 100% scribbled on it. "Yes!" he cheered quietly.
"What did you get?" one of Antti's classmates asks.
Antti turned around, facing him. "A hundred. You?"
"An eight-five." He frowns. "How do you get such good grades?"
"It's called paying attention in class and studying."
"Studying..." The classmate slumped back into this chair. "...that's what I need to work on."
"Next time." Antti turned back around.

That night at his house, Antti and his mother and father were eating dinner together.
"So, how was school today?" Antti's father asked him.
"It was good...normal..." Antti paused for a moment. "Wait, I wanna show you guys something!" He jumped down from his chair and ran to his room, where his backpack was. He took out his folder and pulled out his test he received that day. He ran back to the kitchen and climbed back onto his chair. "Look what I got!" He pushed the test over to his father.
Mr. Niemi picked up the test and took a look at it. "A hundred! Beautiful job!" He handed the test over to his wife.
"We are so proud of you, Antti," Mrs. Niemi said. "Keep up the great work!"
Antti beamed with pride. "Kiitos!" He took his test back from his mother. (Thank you!)
Mr. Niemi looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. "Is that the time? Ninteen-thirty?"
"Yes, honey... Why?" Mrs. Niemi asked him.
"The hockey game's gonna start!" He got up with his food and walked over to the living room, which wasn't that far away; he turned on the TV. "Aw, man! It already started! At least I didn't miss anything!"
"A hockey game?" Antti leapt down from his chair and walked over to his dad and sat down with him. He saw the fast-paced game with players hitting the black puck back and forth with both goalies rejecting the shots. "That's so cool!"
His father looked at him oddly. "Since when do you watch hockey?"
Antti climbed down the sofa and over to the TV. "Can I play? Can I play?" He began to jump up and down excitedly in front of the TV.
Mr. Niemi looked at his wife, who was now washing the dishes, then turned back to his son. "No."
Antti's blue eyes widen as he stopped jumping; he frowns. "Why?"
"It's dangerous, that's why."
"But-but, I can be this person!" He tippy-toed to point to a skater who was cradling the puck, while skating fast towards a goalie.
"Antti, no, you can get hurt."
"Okay then, what about this person?" Antti pointed to the goalie who covered up the slap shot.
"Antti, listen to me: hockey is a dangerous sport and is only for watching. You are too small to play--they'll run over you once you touch the ice."
"Just stick to your academics. You're doing great." He turned off the TV, hoping to get his son's mind off of the sport.
"But pleeeeeeease?" Antti begged. "Just let me try once--"
"Antti," his mother cut in, "listen to your father. He doing this to protect you."
Antti looked at his mother then at his father; he just sighed in dismay.
"Now go get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow," Mr. Niemi tells Antti.
"Okay..." Antti lumbers to his bedroom somberly.

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