18- 15 years later... (last chapter😭)

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Author's pov:
A lot has happened in the last 15 years. School of Rock has been recorded as the most famous and successful rock band of all time, and have been nominated for 9 Grammys, winning 6 of them. They have also had a lot of other things on, like love, family and career.

He married a School of Rock fan, who he met at a meet and greet, and turned out to be Zack's soulmate. Other than Lead Guitarist, he also is working as a security guard at a Rock n roll club. Zack and his wife both have agreed that they're not quite ready to have kids, and are happy where they are at the moment.

Esme and Lawrence got married 5 years ago. They recently found out that they're pregnant, and Larry isn't thrilled to be a dad, as he's worried he will be bad at it, but he's still happy. Lawrence is also working as a inventor for a big company, and is making big bucks.

He finally has gotten what he deserves, and is still alone to this day. Clark is working as the receptionist at the School of Rock HQ, because the pay is good. The only problem with working there, is he has to put up with being teased by Freddy 24/7.

She proposed to Kiki not too long ago, and they're getting married in a few months. Tomika is also repairing antique muscle cars, to earn a  few extra bucks. Kiki has big dreams to have 3 kids, but Tomika is so sure yet. But putting that aside, Tomika is very happy with her life, and how everything turned out, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Mr Finn:
He and Diana chose not to have any kids, but they did adopt a few shelter cats, named Baby, Tickles and Monster. I know, the names are so weird! As well as working for School of Rock, Mr Finn also works as the host for a game show, 'Slay it or Spray it'.

Unfortunately, Lauren passed away in a car accident a few years ago, and Freddy and Summer have been a mess. Anytime anyone mentions her name, they fight back tears.

He is still happily married to Summer, and they have 4 kids, and Freddy doesn't particularly like to say their names, because Summer named them. He won a skateboarding competition, winning the family an extra $1500. Outside of School of Rock, Freddy also does some solo music, and visits sick kids in children's hospitals. He is very happy with his life and family.

She thinks that Freddy is silly to think that the names Summer chose for their kids are weird, as she likes them a lot. As well as doing a crazy amount of School of Rock manager work, she is a model for Channel and other big fashion brands. Summer also finally had the courage to show the world her singing voice, and has even won a Grammy for it.

Summer's pov:
I wake up to people jumping on the end of my bed. I open my eyes, to see my kids, Astra, Nova and Jupiter. "Mum, dad! It's Christmas!" Astra yelled. "C'mon!" Jupiter cried, then he and the girls proceed to run to the living room.

I try to get up, but a pair of strong arms stop me. "Freddy, we need to get up!" I murmured. He only held me tighter.

"Freddy, we need to get up." I state, and Freddy sighs dramatically, and gets out of bed. I climb out of bed as well, and walk to the nursery.

"Good morning, Comet!" I whisper, waking up the baby. Comet coos, as I pick him up out of his cradle. I go to the living room, and the kids are sitting under the Christmas tree, prepared to rip open their presents.

"Can we open them now?" Nova asks impatiently causing me to chuckle. I look over at Freddy, and he nods. "Yep. Go ahead." I smiled, and all 3 of them immediately start ripping the paper.

I love my family and my life. I'm so glad I came back to Freddy all those years ago. Josh would make a terrible dad. I kiss Freddy passionately. "Ew, gross, stop!" Astra screams, covering her eyes. We just laugh. I'm so glad everything turned out like this, I wouldn't have it any other way.

THAT IS THE END OF THE FREMMER SERIES💖! It was crazy, full of lots of twists and turns, and I can't believe that it's finished😭. Make sure to vote, comment and follow😁.
Luv E✨

P. S:
I will still be writing other fremmer books😉.

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