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george : sleeping matter
- the more he sleeps the more things he can make
- he body works different, when he sleeps it creates a matter that can be mouldable
- like he can create a shield, a force field, a sword, bow and arrow
- when he creates defensive 'items' as a survival mechanism when energy is being forced into the 'shield' it absorbs that energy so the defence becomes stronger
- weapons with a point can be considered being made out of netherite
- a side 'ability' of this quirk is george can decide when to fall asleep and for how long he wants (like he could be wide awake one second then passed out of the floor for 15 hours)
- a sun of the side ability, he has sleeping matter covering his skin when he sleeps so he can be killed by weapons when he sleeps (he can have this happen when he's awake but he loses sleeping matter when awake)

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