philza minecraft

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phil : crow
- he can talk to crows
- the crows bring him shiny things
- (a flock of crows followed them through the portal)
- his wings get fixed
- when extended they are 18 1/4 feet wide (collectively)
- his wings are (at their peak) 8 (and a bit) feet tall (they stand up and above his head -only by a foot- so they still drag across the floor)
- he can pluck out feathers and use them as a dagger but they take 2-3 days to grow back
- his wings can cause big air waves
- he doesn't get tired flying
- he can shrink them so they are 4 foot tall and 6 feet wide (so it's easier to keep tuck and out of the way), but it makes him uncomfortable
- his wings do have blast protection and fire resistance, so they can withstand a lot

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