captin puffy

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puffy : 432Hz, ocean whisper (compass)
- she just always knows where north is
- 432 HZ: (mainly for people who listen)
- heightens perception
- increase mental clarity
- unlocks intuition
- healing (reduces anxiety, lowers heart rate and blood pressure)
- when she sings it gives 'greater clarity' and is easy on the ear
- listening to her helps them understand and recognise negative energy around them
- her voice can instantly calm people
- her voice can help people fall asleep (quality of sleep increases too)
- her sailors song almost has healing properties, no physical wounds, but mental, anyone that could hear a whisper of her son will be drawn to her like a fly to a flame
- ocean whisper: (really just fish life)
- fisher are attracted to her, they can sense her when she's close, because so they want to be closer, the swim to her
- she doesn't necessarily understand them (with practice she will, but she already has a good understanding on them) but they naturally want to help her so they give her help when they can
- big, dangerous water animals wouldn't hurt her, and those that her aura on them don't get attached either
- ocean fish get more attached to her then other fish

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