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dream : risk analysis
- if he looks at something he gets information and the danger levels
- this ability naturally gives him heightened instincts, so if he's in danger he always manages to find a safe way out
- this works with people
- works on buildings
- works on items
- works on quirks
- it works in anything, if dream wants to know, he'll know
- with the analysis of people he gets the name and the job information on the quirk information
- with the quirk it writes how dangerous the quirk would be but then, with the person it shows how likely they are to use what they have in a negative way (so if the person themself is dangerous)
- what is a building it depends on the context that he wants to know
- if you just wanted to know if you're safe to walk in heat no the relevant information
- if you wanted to know if you're safe to park or on a bit of a building or something he would know
- with items he can see how badly they could hurt someone
- just when they're stationary or if they're being held by someone you'll be able to tell
- the downside of this quirk is that it can cause major headaches and him to not be able to pay attention to verbal communication because there's too much information in front of him
- distrust in help and always on guard
- a bonus of this quirk is that if he touches someone doesn't have to be skin on skin it just has to be someone if he focuses on a specific danger and with touching them you can transfer the sense of danger that the thing is so the other person move feel the need to run away

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